Flavor Text: Scorpion Clan Coup, Scroll Two

A Vision of Truth - "Following a false light only leads you deeper into darkness." - The Tao of Shinsei

Agasha Nabe - "As the armies of the Dragon marched on Shoju, he knew that even hopes of escape were fading into the setting sun."

Arrival of the Unicorns - "Yokatsu pushed them forward through the day and night...and they loved him all the more."

Asahina Uojin - "Drawing from the souls of a thousand fallen Cranes, Uojin gave that strength to the men who charged into Shoju's army."

Bayushi Dairu - "Kachiko's son has her wits, but he has a Crane's eyes."

Bayushi House Guard - "---"

Bayushi Kyono - "Hokitare said, 'Shoju's prodigy Kyono is who we must be concerned with, my Lady.' Tsuko glared at him, 'I fear no one, samurai.'"

Bayushi Yojiro - "His choice saved his life, but cost him his honor and his heritage."

Defenders of the Realm - "---"

Disloyalty - "Cut off the right arm and the left will be wholly occupied trying to stop the flow of blood." - from Bayushi's Lies

Doji Satsume - "---"

Fury of the Earth - "---"

Gift of Fealty - "Though he is close to my heart, I will send him far to serve my cause."

Hasagawa - "'He is a ronin, Shoju-sama,' Dozan objected. 'If he carries a sword and will fight the Lion, I do not care what he is!'"

Hida Matyu - "For years, Kisada has peered over the plans to Otosan Uchi, looking for a way to storm her walls...and today is the day."

Hojatsu's Blade - "Wielded by the Dragon Hojatsu eight hundred years ago, it is a blade of honor and tradition, and it bestows the strength of both."

Iaijutsu Art - "---"

Isawa Sze - "Sze would not survive this day, but sending holy fire into the Scorpion army, he knew his life would allow the Lion to gain the ground they needed."

Kappa - "---"

Kuroshin's Prayer - "---"

Led From theTrue Path - "---"

Lieutenant Daini - "---"

Lieutenant Uji - "As Uji watched his father die on the end of a Scorpion sword, he cries out his name, his heart filled only with the fires of revenge."

Marketplace - "They will come to the Lion and beg the right to march with them, but the Lion will tell them to go home and count their money. "

Matsu Hokitare - "Face me, you coward! Let the Fortunes decide which of us will walk home with glory and which of us will go begging forgiveness from our ancestors!"

Matsu Tsuko - "Only those with hearts of courage will survive this day, and Shoju's heart is too filled with trickery to hold any courage."

Monk Advisors - "---"

My Enemy's Weakness - "That which makes my enemy weaker makes me stronger."

Ninja Shapeshifter - "---"

North Wall of Otosan Uchi - "---"

One Man's Honor - "Any one man's honor is second to the life of his Clan."

Piercing the Soul - "---"

Plain of Fast Troubles - "---"

Ranbe - "The fire of the Thunderer runs through my veins. Now, it will run through yours..."

Rear Guard - "---"

Sanctified Temple - "And within the still quiet air of a distant temple, a lone hooded figure watches… and prepares. "

Shazaar - "---"

Shinjo Goshi - "---"

Shoju's Armor - "---"

Silver Mine - "The armies of the Phoenix mean nothing to me. The sacred Walls of Otosan Uchi – that they helped build – will stand against any magics they hope to send against me."

Small Farm - "The hub villages that surrounded Otosan Uchi were soon drowned in samurai blood."

Soshi's Curse - "---"

Stables - "The mighty steeds of the Unicorn will be useless. All I need is a single night to prepare. My shugenja will make certain that every leg is broken in deep and hidden holes once they decide to charge my defenses. "

The Dragon Pearl - "---"

The Face of My Enemy - "---"

The Fair Voice of Lies - "Many lies have been sung with fair voices. Now is the time for the harsh sound of the truth."

The Kharmic Wheel Spins - "Dig deep, Toturi, and find the strength neither you nor he knew you had." - Akodo Kage

The Moment Before the Strike - "One man's dawn is another man's twilight."

The Purity of Kitsu - "---"

The Ruby of Iuchiban - "---"

The True Lands - "---"

Touching the Soul - "---"

Trading Port - "---"

West Wall of Otosan Uchi - "---"

When Men Stand Divided - "---"