Scorpion Clan Letter - #4

He is dead! What can I do? He is dead. He is dead...

No time. All is lost. He is dead! The great Bear is dead! I saw it with my own eyes! The blood and his scream and his eyes as he looked at me - reached out to me for help. But I could offer him nothing. I ran. Bishamon help me. I ran for my life. Even now I am in my private chamber. Hiding in the secret room I found when I first arrived. Writing as quickly as I can before the fear devours my reason.

My hand is calming. My scrawling mad notes are slowly forming into words and sentences. I must tell you as much as I can before the panic fills me once again.

Hida Kisada is dead. Do not believe otherwise. I saw it with my own eyes. In the throne room. I stood vigil while I waited for him to arrive so our plan of vengeance would be complete. The empty Emerald Throne would soon be filled with the Great Bear of the Crab Clan: a tired old man who would be easy to persuade. But it was not to be. For while I waited, a thin shadowy form stepped into the room and smiled at me with eyes of fire. I recognized the lips, the brow, all his features, but those damnable eys. It was the brat Emperor, up from his bed and walking! And his eyes burned with green fire that was older than his years, older than... older than...

Kisada strode in, covered in the blood of courageous Lions, expecting me and the throne. What he found was... was... oh. I cannot! The brutal battle that ensued... Kisada, he... the blood. The throne. The sword. I saw Yakamo carrying the bloodied corpse, running for his life.

Running... yes. Run! Run now! Flee to the lands north where the Unicorn have traveled. There is a desert there. A long, sweeping desert with barbarian nomads who may take you in. There is nothing left. All is lost. Do not let anyone see you. Use the old ways, my beloved. Even now, a shadow spreads across the capital. Something ancient has awakened here. I must remain behind, but I will not allow you to do so. I care not for Yokuni's talk of 'destiny' and 'duty,' but he is right. I have chosen this path. But I will not force any others to join me in my fate. Run. And may the Seven Fortunes follow you.

Go now.

Bayushi Kachiko