Naga Letter - #7

As Junzo's reinforcements approached the Imperial palace, the suddenly found themselves riddled with arrows and fire. Daini and Qamar charged into the undead army with a battalion of Phoenix, led by Shiba Sukune. The samurai-ko charged ahead quickly when she and Daini saw the Necromancer leading the army begin casting spells. Qamar and Daini charged into the mass of armies while Isha led the archers in a volley of arrows to support their charge, Tsukune cut down the Necromancer, but she didn't make her cut in time. The dark energy fired out and found the Naga Champion. His skin and eyes turned black and gray, then it peeled away from his bones and he dropped the ancient pearl Spear to the ground... Isha dropped his bow and picked up the spear.

When the battle was over and the bodies were thrown into a great pyre, Daini called to Isha, but the bowman corrected him. "I am Isha no longer. Now, I am the Qamar," he said. Daini bowed with reverance and understanding. Tsukune followed his example, even though she did not understand. "I must go and tell the Clans of our success," she told the new Qamar.

"Very well. Shashakar will send you." The naga shugenja nodded, crushed a pearl in his fingers and before she could thank them, Sukune was in the midst of the battle at Otosan Uchi, watching her lord and master fall from the walls of the Imperial Palace as his body burned with black fire..."