The Naga

A thousand years ago, the great civilization of the Naga fell into a deep meditative slumber. Nearly a millenium has passed, and they have awakened to find their self-glorifying civilization in ruins, and the Empire of men in the midst of war. Now they must rise against the evil of the Shadowlands before both Empires fall under its destructive power.

"The strength of an Empire does not lie in the stone of its walls, but the hearts of its people."

-The Tao of Shinsei

Clan Scorpion

Surrounded by blackened earth, scorched by sorcerous reprimand, the ruined House Bayushi is the only testament to the once mighty Scorpion Clan. Now they have returned, striking back at the Empire with subterfuge and sabotage. Theirs is not a path to victory, but a path of revenge.

"Do not be distracted by the pincers when it is the tail that can kill you."

-The Tao of Shinsei