Splinter Phoenix

One Clan will fall...

The smoldering ruins of the Isawa castle looks over the burned and blasted fields of Rokugan olioke an epitaph to the fallen family. One by one, each of the Elemental Masters have become infected with the Shadowlands Taint. And now high on the parapets of the Imperial Palace is the Master of Fire. Mad-eyed and consumed with darkness he is ready to destroy his kinsmen. All five of the Masters will enter the duel, but only one will survive...

Splinter Crab

...and one Clan will be redeemed.

Once, the mighty army of the Crab was led by a blood-thirsty creature with a stolen name. Now, as it stands outside the capital city, it waits for the command to charge from a hero with a hand of jade. As Yakamo prepares for his assault, he knows the oni that bears his name is also preparing. And When they meet, even the hero's hand of jade will not save him from the oni's fury.