Yoritomo's Alliance Letter - #10

We are the Fox. We will not serve.

For seven hundred years or more, we bowed only to the Emperor, ruling our lands in Shinjo's stead and following the dictates of our own will. When we joined with the Alliance, we left our path behind. now we have reclaimed it.

I watched the armies leave for Volturnum, marching past the great stone wall of the Kaiu and into the Darkness that awaits. Far to the south, I see the
Shadow move, and I do not envy the armies their fate.

Yet still we remain. We will guard the Empire alone, if necessary. We will not abandon the Jade Throne; we will not turn our backs on Otosan Uchi. Someone must remain when all of the other clans have gone -- and we, the Fox, accept that duty. This much Hitomi told me: we, the Fox, will know our place when the sun rises above the horizon.

Last night, I watched the eastern shores with anticipation and saw the waves lash against stoic rocks. It was then that I saw our fate rise, like a titanic boil upon the empty seas. The Crane did not see it, nor the Lion, nor the Phoenix--all of those had gone south to meet their destinies. And now the beast has headed for Otosan Uchi to destroy what the armies of the Empire have left behind. If it takes all of the strength of our clan, we will defeat this Kumo.

We will make sure there is still an Empire when the Great Clans return.

Kitsune Ryosei