Unicorn Clan Letter - #10

My people -

Time is short, and I must hurry. Even now, the dew falls upon the ground, and the trail grows cold. I must not let him elude me.

Three years ago, I met Matsu Agetoki on the field of battle, and he told me of my mother's death. He knew. He knew who killed her. And he escaped. Once the wars for the Emerald Throne were over, I swore to find him again, and make him tell me the name of her murderer. I went to the Matsu, but they turned me away, and would not listen to my claims. When he rode out against the Crab, I followed. As he returned, wounded, I nearly caught him. Now, without his clan, he flees like a rabbit across the empty fields of the Scorpion, desperately hoping that I will fall behind.

How can I not hunt him, as the grief of my mother's death has haunted me, each day of my life? I was born to avenge her, and nothing will stop me. Not mercy, not reason. Not even honor. This is why I had to leave you. Can you not see that this quest is for me, alone? My Otaku sisters, my Shinjo brothers, I alone can put my mother's soul at peace. Only I, and this Lion that I hunt. When my quest is done, only then can I return to you.

May Shinsei guide him into my hands.

Otaku Kamoko