Scorpion Clan Letter #11


You must abandon your mission. There are new matters of even greater importance. Three great battles have been fought on Rokugan's soul: one in Unicorn lands, one deep below the belt of the Kaiu Wall, and the third on the plains of the Isawa Castle - plains that now run red with Phoenix blood.

My son has betrayed me. Aramasu has revealed everything to Yoritomo: agents' names, secret routes, stolen records. Already our spies in the Islands of Spice and Silk have been purged. We cannot afford this distraction. He must be destroyed.

The Goju have revealed themselves. Their madness has taken root in the forests of Morikage. The other clans refuse to see the threat, so the Scorpion must do what we always have. Send Nishiko, and as many others as can be spared, to hunt wherever she finds them. Let the other clans see our strength and know that we have returned at the side of a kami, the creator of our Empire. They will not dare to turn us aside, knowing that Shinjo stands with us.

One thing more. Now that Shosuro has been released from Togashi's cunning trap, she will be free to come back to us. When she does, she will seek to turn us to her Shadow, to claim each house, each name, every memory.

If she succeeds, there will be no more Bayushi, no Shosuro, no Soshi or Yogo. We will become Nothing, as emptry as winter snow.

Trust that the Lady has a plan to end the Shadow's path as simply as a short blade through the heart. We must be prepared. The Lady will remind Bayushi's daughter where her true loyalties should lie.

It falls to you, Yokuan, to perform the impossible task:

Find Shosuro. Bring her home.
