Scorpion Clan Letter #12

On this day, cousins, we have taken the first steps to regaining Ryoko Owari.

The Unicorn are too foolish to keep our rightful city from us, no matter what the Emperor commands. We can see through Toturi's madness; Shinjo's children cannot. And like children, once given a toy, they are loathe to give it up.

But we will show them that children who disrespect their elders should be punished.

My status as an Emerald Magistrate has been reinstated, and the Emperor's champion has made me Magistrate of the City. Soon, the Unicorn will help us take back the City of Green Walls.

Bayushi Aramoro has retaken the Scorpion lands with a single, decisive blow. What would have taken many months and the deaths of countless samurai to retake and to hold has now been given to us. It is a tale that will be retold by the Scorpion for generations. No army dares supplant our hold on the lands south of Beiden Pass, and even now, we del with the Naga to discover a way to drive out the Shadow that has infested Kyuden Shosuro in our absence.

The Crane give us back our children, whimpering of alliance and good will. We shall let them believe that we are grateful, better that our children are tainted by Crane politics than torn from us with Mantis lies.

Aramasu must be dealt with ....

The sword of the Scorpion is in the hands of Aramoro, the Lady's protector. Let it remain forever apart from our champion, as it has always been. Aramoro is the daimyo of the Bayushi, lord of the Shonin provinces. It is the role of another to rule.

We turn our eyes to our Lady, who prepares to name a champion. By her will, not the petty mewling of the Emperor on his Jade Throne, will our champion be chosen. " Then shall I make my last sacrifice for my clan," she whispered. I know not of what she spoke, nor did I have the courage to ask.

Bayushi Yojiro