Scorpion Clan Letter - #14

She has not left us.

If you doubt me, walk beneath Bayushi's palace to the lake that bears his soul. There, in the water, you will see her face.

This time, we do not fight for the Empire or for our own honor. We do not raise a hidden knife simply to destroy the children of Goju, who have turned against their oaths to us. It is not for pride alone that we destroy those who would claim to be our masters. The Ninja must die. Goju must be defeated. They must know what price awaits those who betray the Scorpion. They cast us out of our Empire with their faceless machinations; they took our land, our place, and our duty. They began to choke the Empire with our cord.

But those reasons are not enough to justify your life, should you fall at Volturnum's gate. Carry this with you, my family, when you raise your weapons in those shadowed halls.

We fight in her name and for her memory. When I return to that quiet lake, I will tell her of your deeds.

Bayushi Yojiro