Flavor Text: Hidden Emperor, Scroll Four

A Dark Foretelling - "---"

Akodo Hall of Ancestors - "The Ancestors whisper as the wind passes through the Hall, each one telling a tale of honor or glory. Only one is silent..."

Arrows From the Ranks - "---"

Asako Hosigeru - "---"

Bayushi Technique - "Be loyal to the shadows, and they will protect you. Betray them, and more than your soul will die..."

Desperate Wager - "---"

Die Tsuchi - "---"

Doji Shizue (exp) - "---"

Doom of the Brotherhood - "The monks of Shinsei seek a new prophet, a new path. They will be fooled by their own pride, and in the end, they will forsake the Tao itself." - Isawa Norikazu

Festival of the River of Stars - "They were lovers, parted by betrayal. But once a year, they are allowed to cross the River of Stars." - Doji Shizue

Flattery - "And if Toturi is dead, who is to say there should not be a House of Takuan?... My lord?..."

Funeral Pyre - "Tsukune-sama, we have both seen cousins die, brothers sacrificed and blood spilled in the name of knowledge. Are we, then, so different?" - Agasha Tamori

Goblin War Truck - "Ropputu, father of the Biteeye clan, claimed it was his greatest invention. The Crab would agree."

Goldsmith - "A ring of gold, and a cuff of iron. What's the difference?" - Tsuruchi

Hida Yasamura - "---"

Hitomi Technique - "Down from the mountains they come, screaming for blood and vengeance on those who dared to trespass on Dragon lands."

Ide Ashijun - "I bear a warning to all who oppose the will of the Unicorn: Bow down, or be trod into dust."

Itako - "---"

Kitsuki Kaagi - "Ten years he has been gone, and yet his face shows not a single mark of it. It is as if nothing happened at all..." - Kitsuki Yasu

Kitsuki Evidence - "---"

Kitsuki Kaagi's Journal - "---"

Kolat Geisha - "A harmless diversion, my Lord. The great Toshimoko once graced our simple tea-house, and we will serve you with the same courtesy we once showed the Emerald Champion..."

Lay of the Land - "---"

Lessons from Kuro - "Poor Hosigeru. For days he watched me prepare the spell, and when it was done , he swore he was ready to conquer its power. It was too soon, too much, and he was too young..." - Naka Kuro

Malekish - "---"

Matsu Ketsui - "In my sword, the wind./In my heart, courage./In my eyes, death./I am Matsu" - from Kakita Morushijin's play, No Man's Bride.

Mujina Tricks - "What's this?...What's this?...What's that? Can we eat it?...What's this?"

Ninja Saboteur - "---"

Noble Sacrifice - "---"

Oni no Gekido - "Stupidity in the Shadowlands is rewarded with two things: pain and death." - Hida O-Ushi

Otaku Kamoko (exp 3) - "---"

Otaku Xieng Chi - "She's too young to be so eager for blood. You might think she was a Lion in disguise!" - Otaku Tetsuko

Philosopher - "Where is the new Uikku? Without his prophecies, we are blind to the future..." - Yodin

Plains of Foul Tears - "---"

Refuge of teh Three Sisters - "---"

Ronin Dojo - "You want the secret of the Hida frenzy? I will teach it to you, my friend."

Ryosei - "Don't believe the Phoenix. Hate makes you stong."

Shinjo Groomsman - "---"

Shinjo Technique - "---"

Shinjo Tsuburo - "The Emperor is dead. Let us at least save the Empire."

Shiryo no Moto - "---"

Takuan Technique - "When an ordinary man gains knowledge he is a sage. When a sage gains knowledge, he is an ordinary man." - The New Tao

The Boundless Depths of Water - "Once a year, when the spring rains come, the Umi Amaterasu rages and the villages on the coast are destroyed by the ocean's wrath."

The Great feast - "---"

The Iuchi Plains - "From this moment forward, the city of Ryoko Owari will answer to my commands, and its walls shall be manned by Otaku troops. So do the Unicorn keep Toturi's law..." - Otaku Patasha

The Kami Watch over Me - "---"

The Naga Akasha - "Each soul within the Akasha is my own, and I have been each voice." - Ashamana

The Otaku Palaces - "---"

The Power of Incompleteness - "I am the new Uikku, and my words are from the heavens themselves. Listen to me, children of Rokugan, for I will reveal what is unknown, and find what has been lost..." - Itako

The Price of Failure - "---"

Walk Through the Mountains - "Through Beiden Pass, to the lands of the Crab. Nothing can stop us -the Fortunes are on our side!" - Matsu Seijuro

War Dogs - "The terrible steeds of the Unicorn thundered over the plains, and the baying of their fanged beasts shook my heart to the core...." - Unknown Spearman