Shadowlands Horde Letter - #12

A goblin isn't that much different from a man. Not really. In the end, they're both animals. Push either of them in the right direction, and they'll do anything you want. That's what I've learned here.

In a way, I think goblins are better than humans. They're a little more reliable, in the end. If you put your fingers in a goblin's face, you know that the little bleeder is going to try to bite them off. Not so a human; you never know what they'll do. Too much intelligence rattling around in their heads. It just gets in the way. Sometimes I wish the Dark Lord had finished what he started when he bound my soul to a goblin's, and transformed me all the way. Things would be so much less complicated.

Then again, things wouldn't be as much fun. It's hard to have fun when you're not smart enough to understand what's going on. Like the Wall. I look out at the Crab getting ready to take back the Kaiu Wall, and I laugh.

Push a man in the right direction, and he'll do anything you want.

Sculptor of Flesh