Mantis Letter - #13


I hope this letter finds you well, honored Grandmother. I know that we have not spoken in many years, but I felt it important to inform you of recent events, even if this is the last time that you and I ever speak.

You have made little effort to hide your disappointment with me over the years. The loss of my aunt, Moshi Wakiza, is a wound from which you have never recovered. She was your favored child, held in much higher regard than my father, whose only sin was to be born male in a family governed by women. I suppose I should be thankful for that, for it was only through the grace of your absence that he found love and married my mother rather than being wed to some random diplomat to please the needs of the clan.

My father has told me of your indifference at the news of my birth years ago. I think that perhaps he feared the birth of a daughter, suspecting you would steal her away to replace Wakiza. You ignored me because you had no use for me. While my brother Kalani has strugglee to prove himself to you, I accept your indifference. You have been who you are for too long for me to expect you to change.

Wakiza was your greatest triumph and your deepest shame. Your daughter died Tainted, cursed by the touch of the Shadowlands. For a priestess of the Lady Sun, such a fate must have been very difficult to accept. Not only that, but Wakiza chose to marry one of higher station, taking the name of a male samurai. You had expected her to replace you as the daimyo of the Centipede. Instead, she became the wife of the Mantis Champion. This, too, must have been a source of great pain for you. I have discovered the truth, however, and I bring it to your attention if only to ease your pain.

Moshi Wakiza bore Yoritomo an heir before her death.

When I first learned of this many years ago, I expected to hate and resent my cousin. Instead, I have found an individual who embodies the qualities of the Mantis that I most admire, possessed of the legendary leadership of Yoritomo - someone who accepts others for who they are, and does not resent them for who they are not. I have known the heir for many years. I am one of many samurai who protect her from those who would exploit her - such as you.

I tell you this now so that you will know. Soon, the entire Empire will know. The Daughter of Storms shall return and take back what the usurper Kitao has stolen. She will not be controlled by you, Grandmother, but if you offer her your wisdom I am certain she will gladly accept you as a vassal.

I do not hate you, Grandmother. You are a Centipede, and are not to blame for what you are. But I am a Mantis, now and forever. I hope, whatever you decide, that you find peace of mind before your time in this world comes to an end.

Moshi Mogai