Shadowlands Horde Letter - #15

My dear friend,

I have transcended mere flesh and spirit! I am something greater now, something more than that weak, pathetic creature I once was! I am a god!

The Dragon came before me, meeting my challenge. They came as I demanded, as I knew they would. They are weak, honorable things, good for nothing but death and fodder for the creation of new art at my hands. Seven of them faced me, and I crushed them. Only those that I deemed amusing were spared. The Dragon may tell their own version of the tale, but then the Dragon always do.

The daisho is gone. I had kept it all these years because I was certain that somehow they would aid me in my quest to become like Togashi. I was enlightened, as he was. I gave others the gift of my blood, as he did. Why should I not bear his swords? Was I not his true heir? In time, I realized, the swords were nothing but a crutch, a weakness that restrained me in this cage of flesh. Why struggle to be like Togashi, when I could become even greater than him?

When I stumbled across the bloodied Anvil in the depths of the Twilight Mountains, I knew that the time had come to forge my own destiny. With the souls of the Dragon who came to challenge me, I created a new daisho.

Kokujin's Daisho. Swords that reflect my spirit more accurately than those crude knives Togashi bore.

Let the Dragon take their weak, pathetic swords. They are unworthy of my attention! The Order of Kokujin shall rise up from the Shadowlands and destroy the Dragon. Then I and mine shall take our place in the Empire, and all shall know the power and glory of Kokujin.

But why stop there?

A new god reigns in Heaven. A dark god, released by your own hand. Perhaps now that the heavens have opened their doors to one such as He, my own ascension cannot be far behind. I am, after all, immortal.

A new era dawns, Daigotsu. You will be there to witness it.