Lion Clan Letter - #16


As little as a year ago, I did not know the meaning of the word. Now I have come to hate it.

These beasts have run rampant across the lands of the Lion. I do not know how they passed so deep into the Empire undetected. I only know that we of the Lion Clan must stop them. Toturi Tsudao and her Emerald Legions have promised to stand beside us and help us in our fight. Together, we cannot fail.

My kinsmen, I urge you not to underestimate these new opponents. They fight with a ferocity equal to that of any Matsu, and an intellect to match even the clever Ikoma. They do not possess the cowardice of the bakemono or the dull stupidity of many ogres. They are quick, cunning, and ruthless. We have been unable to question any of their number, as the Tsuno seem quite willing to die rather than be taken prisoner. Even their dead tell us nothing, as their warriors make a habit of carrying their fallen from the field of battle. Only a handful have been recovered and passed to the Kuni for study.

Some of these Tsuno possess a strange magic that twists the spirits of those it touches. We have come to call them the Soultwisters and I have seen their power reduce even brave samurai to mewling babes, weeping in terror. These Soultwisters have the power to reach into our hearts and draw out the darkness that resides there. The strength of our ancestors, channeled by the Kitsu family's sodan-senzo, seems to protect against the power of the Soultwisters, yet even this is not entirely reliable. All we can do is fight on, and hope that our righteousness will bear us to victory.

As the battle continues, I cannot help but wonder: if these Tsuno are as intelligent as they are, what do they want? They have made no attempt at parley. They seem completely assured in their victory despite the heavy losses we inflict upon them. To my mind, their rapid feints and withdrawals between the Kitsu Tombs and the Hall of Ancestors seem more of a delaying tactic than anything else.

Why are they waiting? What are they waiting for?

Each day we fight only brings more questions.

I hope that we are prepared for the answer when we find it.

- Kitsu Dejiko