Scorpion Clan Letter - #17

Our web of influence is nearly complete. We have placed our advisors with three of the four heirs. Paneki assists Tsudao in the maintenance of the Legions. Sunetra stands beside Naseru, among his most trusted advisors. Higatsuku has become an indispensable servant of Kaneka. And Matsu Nimuro seeks to grant us an audience with Toturi Sezaru, drawing upon the Wolf’s connections with the Kitsu family… all in return for a favor we would have granted him anyway.

But our influence does not end with the Winds. Our spies have obtained information that will insure an alliance between our own armies and those of the mighty Unicorn Khan, Chagatai, as well as access to powerful weapons and magic from beyond the borders of the Empire. Our friendship with the Dragon remains strong. Even the Lion support us due to our rivalry with their ancient enemies, the Crane. The Mantis still plot against us, but we have made plans to insure that any action they take against our clan will be ineffective.

You ask me what our plan is?

This is the plan. Look around you. We have already succeeded.

It is a good time to be a Scorpion.

Bayushi Yojiro
Scorpion Clan Champion