Nezumi Letter - #1

Have visions of Tomorrow. I tell-tell you now, if you want to hear.

May not want to hear. Sometimes it be better to be surprised.

Quiet, it was. Quiet it was for many long-long years. Shadowlands quiet-quiet. Out past Black Finger River not much going on. Dream-world of I'thich quiet, too. Nameseekers who passed into dream whisper-whisper to me, tell me this quiet not natural. Tell me many bad things coming.

I have been alive long-long time, longer than any other Nezumi. Have been cursed by failure, by bad-bad things once I did. Transcendent say "Te'tik'kir no can die, no can transcend to live with other great Nameseekers till can cleanse himself of shame-shame of Mat'tck's death." Over fifty winters now have I seen-seen. So old now it hurt to live, but still cannot die. Even yet, never thought I live-live to see this.

In latest vision, spirits of Transcendent get quiet in I'thich. Shadows build in dream world and in real world, shadows so dark-dark it get hard to tell what be real and what be dream. Armies march-march over Black Finger river, armies of goblins, armies of ogres, armies of oni, but scariest yet... armies of humans. Not dead-dead humans with bony limbs and rotten flesh.. armies of Tainted humans, people who got took-taken by the darkness, people Lost to the world. Lost-Lost and like-liking it.

Rememberers say Crippled Bone Nezumi never afraid, and for the most part it be true, but when I look into eyes of Lost-Lost human armies, I be afraid.

Dark time coming, but come with some good news.

If anything out there can kill me, it be this.

Te'tik'kir Shaman-Chieftain of the Crippled Bone