A Letter from Toturi Sezaru

People of Rokugan:

I have news both great and terrible.

Since the death of my father, I have cared little for politics. My siblings have bickered with one another over their claims to the throne, but the topic did not concern me. I turned my attention to one cause - justice. In seeking the wisdom of the Oracles, I hoped to divine the identity of my father's killer.

I have succeeded. The beast that killed Toturi was a spirit forged from the nightmares of Yume-do and the demons of Jigoku - an Onisu. This creature was under the control of the new Lord of the Shadowlands, Daigotsu. There are apparently several of these powerful creatures; I have faced one of them myself. The Onisu are harvested from our own weaknesses, created from our sin, fear, and mistrust. With all my power, the best I could do was wound the one I faced.

So long as we stand divided, we cannot fight these creatures. After discussing the matter with my most trusted advisors, I have reluctantly come to the truth: if Rokugan is to survive, it must be led by an Emperor strong enough to face the new Lord of the Shadowlands.

I am now convinced that this Emperor must be me. It is a simple matter of logic; I am the only one of the Four Winds who can face Daigotsu and survive.

The soul of the Emperor cries out for vengeance.

Follow me, and I will bring it to you.

Toturi Sezaru