A Letter from Toturi Tsudao

To the people of the Empire...

I do not have great skill with words. It seems that there is nothing that I can say that has not already been said with more wit and ability, but I do not need much eloquence to state what is obvious to all. With no Emperor to lead us, we have turned on one another. Feuds and divisions thought long put to rest have arisen anew, while new rivalries have exploded at the slightest provocation. Crab battles Crane while the object of their struggle - the Yasuki family - is torn apart by questions of loyalty. The Elemental Council and Tamori Shaitung are gone, consumed by the power of hatred. The Tsuno - dark beasts with terrible intelligence - ravage the fields of the Lion for no apparent purpose. The Mantis invade the mainland of the Empire, seeking vengeance against the Bayushi who ordered the death of their former champion. The Unicorn waver in the north, tilting now toward this side, now toward another, their final motives altogether their own. Their move, when they make it, may be the most devastating yet.

The Empire is in terrible danger, and this time it is not from the forces of Jigoku or the nameless Darkness. We are the enemy. The Tsuno, the oni, the armies of the Lost are only a counterpoint to the destruction we have begun to inflict upon Rokugan, a struggle made more deadly by the contest of succession that continues between my siblings. I have begged my brothers to heed reason, to cease tehir contention. They will not listen. Kaneka and Naseru believe that by following their own ends they can unite the Empire nd win the support of the clans. I do not know what has become of Sezaru, or even if he is still alive. In the meantime, I can only fight on as I always have, seeking justice and order at the head of the Emerald Legions.

If my brothers will set aside their bickering and listen to reason, I am willing to hear them. If they will not, then perhaps to save an Empire iwill be forced to denounce my kin and take my father's throne.

I hope it will not come to that.

In the meantime, my friend, foght on. So long as you fight for the Empire, know that I am ready to fight by your side.

Toturi Tsudao
Lady of the Sun, Heir to Toturi the First
Commander of the First Emerald Legion