Letters From Miya Yumi and Miya Heikichi

People of Rokugan:

I have heard much discussion in the court regarding the current state of affairs in our Empire. Voices I hear agree upon that we cannot continue without an Emperor, yet no one has a solution. Most, it seems, would rather argue about the problem than fix it.

While I favor action over argument, I honestly find it difficult to find a solution in this complex a case. I feel that each of the Four Winds is equally qualified to take on the responsibilities relegated to the Emperor.

Akodo Kaneka is a callous and temperamental man, but he is honorable. Though he resists being compared to his father, his courage and determination reflect the brilliance of the Splendid Emperor. Did he not end the war between the Crane and Crab? An Emperor needs to be decisive, in perfect tune with his instincts in times of crisis. Akodo Kaneka is such a man.

Toturi Sezaru is a tormented soul, he also knows the true meaning of justice. It is Sezaru who uncovered the name of the new Dark Lord of the Shadowlands and divined the origins of the Onisu. Rokugan has never before had an Emperor with the gift of magic, but if any man can balance his responsibilities to the Empire with his duty to the spiritual world, it is the Wolf. Also, there is the matter of security. What threat could possibly challenge the life of an Emperor with so much raw power at his immediate disposal?

Many speak of Hantei Naseru as a cold and ambitious man, but I have come to know the Anvil and can vouch for his great love of Rokugan. He knows the law and culture of the Empire like no one ever will. If he is aloof at times I think it is merely because he places his concerns for the Empire above the concerns of individuals. He is not by any means a compassionate man, but with the proper education and guidance he could develop into a fine leader.

And what of Toturi Tsudao? She is a respected soldier, an efficient leader of troops. However. we know little of her personal life. Like the sun, she is distant and enigmatic, allowing none to study her closely. These qualities might be unsettling, but I think that they are altogether positive traits for a future Empress. If the sword has any true failing, I think it is that she chose not to pursue the throne, contenting herself to allow others to speak in her stead whilst she explores other interests.

Is this a plea for unity? Am I about to speak in favor of one Wind or another and invite you to join my cause? In fact, I am not. Instead, it is my belief that the Empire would be served by exactly as it has These my be difficult times, but what better forge to test the steel of one who would be Emperor? Tell me.

Rokugan will survive, it always has, and when the current strife passes, a new Emperor will have proven worthy to take the throne. Far better, I think, to have a worthy Emperor than to rush matters and make a mistake certain to doom us all.

These are merely my thoughts. You will do as you will, I know.

Your servant,
Miya Yumi
Imperial Herald

* * * * *

Samurai of the Empire,

On this day of turmoil, we face a horde of demons who threaten our very existence. Since the Battle at Oblivion's Gate and even prior to the Day of Thunder, all the clan have yet to be called to preserve the Empire. Today, I begin the call to arms, and you must know, I call upon you.

Go out and gather those with honor and those who can be redeemed. Go out and find those willing to fight, regardless of clan or lord. Even gather the ronin in your land, bind them to our cause for without true combined strength, we are doomed.

I've included a special package, "The L5R Experience" to aid you in our cause. Take it with care and pride. Share, convince and demonstrate what it is to follow the code of the warrior. May the Fortunes be with you and may you bring honor to each of you and to your clan.

A message from your Clan also awaits you. In order to read it, you will need your password. Your password can be found on the address label of the envelope this letter came in. I await you at http.//l5r.alderac.com/clanletters

Miya Heikichi