Ronin Letter - #5

Many months have passed, and still no Emperor.

The lines are drawn; the Winds stand apart. Naseru gathers his supporters in Otosan Uchi. Kaneka builds his forces in Yasuki Yashiki. Tsudao continues her crusade against the Tsuno which, if successful, will make her a hero to the whole Empire. Even distant Sezaru has entered the political arena, traveling to the great temples of the Dragon to seek the support of that strange clan.

Some ronin would tell you that such a time of strife is an excellent opportunity for employment. I disagree. Times of turmoil are the hardest for those such as ourselves, those with no master, no allies to speak of. Most find it easier to blame their troubles on a stranger, and magistrates can hardly be bothered to investigate the disappearance of a few ronin. Tread carefully.

And though I find it difficult to share the childish excitement of men such as Kihei, I admit that there is a scent of opportunity in the air. Kaneka gathers an army, as his father once did, with the intent of bringing peace to the Empire. The Monkey Clan was nothing but ronin once, and now they are virtually an Imperial Family. Perhaps what happened before could happen again?

Kaneka may claim that he is not the same man his father was. I think he is close enough.

Kaeru Kenko