Nezumi Letter - #6

Once, we live in the Before Time.

Empire of the Rats good and strong. Even the mighty ogres fall before us. Trolls retreat before the power of Name. Bakemono serve us, eager to avoid our wrath. Zokujin and ningyo honor us, live in peace with the Nezumi.

The city of Heaven's Fall greatest of all Nezumi cities, but soon come the time when Nezumi fight Nezumi. Pride begin to tear apart Nezumi race. The One Tribe became many and we ignore the warning of the shamans. We do not see the fate that comes for us until too late.

Then Heaven comes to slay the Nezumi.

Terrible-dark-god-destroyer-Fu-Leng come from the heavens, turns Heaven's Fall into Heaven's Grave. Nezumi people punished for their pride. We run-flee-fly to the wilderness. Matrons clutch their pups and cry-cry-cry at the Terrible Day. Bright-lady-sun-goddess give us one gift to suffer through the terrible night. She bless-bless the Nezumi people, protect us from foul-sickly-withering touch of the dark god.

Nezumi people no longer live in cities. Now live-live in shadows, hide-hide in the earth. Run in the night and sleep in the day. Human people come and build great Empire and Nezumi watch-watch from hiding. "Your cities are too big," we tell them. "Your pride is too great. Build too big and Tomorrow will find you! Will come and eat you!"

The humans do not listen.

Now they see. Their bright-shining city falls as ours once did. Their people scatter as ours once did. Yet, there still be hope. Single tear falls from the heavens, falls on a soul without hope, without a past, without a name. Oracle of Jade steps forth from the pit of darkness to save the human people. The Nezumi stand beside him.

Human Empire not be eaten by Tomorrow. Together, we will fight.
