Flavor Text: Spirit Wars

Akodo Ginawa (Experienced 4) - "I will lead them," he whispered hoarsely, "if they will follow."

Akodo Ijiasu - "He remembers his father's words from when they huddled about a ronin's fire. He had dreamed through childhood of the day when the Akodo would return. Ronin no more he will stand by his Clan and make his family's name ring from the halls of honor once more."

Akodo Quehao - "All of those who would be Lion, listen to me. I will tell you the tale of Akodo the One-Eye, and of the brave samurai who followed him to their deaths. . . and beyond."

Akodo Sensei - "War is inevitable. it rises and falls like the tide, and the shore is ever changed by it."

Amaterasu's Furnace - "I stood on the brink of the fires of Gakido. Nothing lives there; no one has ever returned. Still, I watched as Hiroru walked toward the falmes, determined to find Shizue's soul there." - Akodo Ginawa

Ancestral Dictate - "You will obey me!" the spirit samurai shouted. "I am daimyo of the Akodo. I am Champion of the Lion!" "No more," Motso said, his voice like ice. - "No more."

Ancestral Protection - Turi rose wearily, but the blood that stained his armor was not his own. "Remember," whispered the spirit as it died, "that not all of those who have escaped Jigoku's fires have forgotten the meaning of duty. "

Ancient Knowledge - "He handed me his final prophecy. 'For the next Oracle,' he said, and disappeared with the sun." - Shiba Ningen

Arriving at the Imperial Gates - "We stand at a time of crisis. Before us lie the road of the past and the road of the future. Which one will you follow?" - Toturi the First

Asako Misao - "Hantei commanded his spirit armies to take the Phoenix children as hostages against the wrath of the Isawa. It was one of his greatest mistakes."

Asako Riders - "They serve the Phoeniz as they did long ago."

Back Banner - "The broken banner shafts jutted from their corpses like spears, daring us to come forward to claim our just victory." - Kitsu Dejiko

Battle at White Shore Plain - "I remember...," the Unicorn whispered. "Here is where I fought, where I died. Can you tell me that I do not belong in the Empire, after I gave my life for it? You cannot force me to die again-and I will not leave my home."

Battle of Drowned Honor - "The fighting was ruthless, and in the end only the golden aura of spirits still moved forward. We had lost the battle, and I had lost my finest general. I will not rest until he is avenged." - Hida O-Ushi

Battle of Quiet Winds - "The Scorpion have betrayed the Lion and the Crane, just as you said they would. Tsuneo will be able to march on Beiden Pass, and we will soon take Otosan Uchi from the upstart, thanks to your treachery." "It is our nature, Hantei-sama," Baku replied, and the trap was set."

Battle of Shallow Waters - "His eyes blazed, and his sword moved like lightning. Before we knew it, the sprits had swarmed through our small bastion, leaving us behind to die on the Golden Plains." - Akodo Ijiasu.

Bayushi Baku - "Totusi attempts to deny the natural order, my lord Hantei," said the Scorpion spirit. "One should never deny one's nature."

Bayushi Paneki - "The spirits of the past have come through Oblivion's Gate to the present, brining with them old wars long since forgotten. If they do not return, they challenge the Emperor, the strength of the clans, and the very balance of nature. I will see them die, even if I must give up my life to join them."

Bayushi Yojiro (Experienced 2) - "---"

Beginning and End - "One half of the Tao is forever gone - but without the Crane we might have lost more. We owe it to the Empire to spread those teachings we retain, that these fragments might one day guide us all to peace." - Chou-Sin.

Birth of the Anvil - "One of your children, Toturi, must bear the Hantei name and accept teh Hantei blood. Only if our ancestors are honored, and only if a child of both our bloodlines remains close to the throne, will we cease our war." - Hantei XVI

Birth of the Sword - "As a young girl, she defeated the greatest sensei that the Lion could offer. I have never before seen the like of Toturi's oldest child, nor ever will I again." - Kitsu Motso, Champion of the Lion

Birth of the Wolf - "Toturi's second child - his first son - has much of his mother's magic in his veins - and more, if the blood of Dragons carries true through the oracle's child." - Soshi Jomyako

Bitter - "That which can be cut down does not stand in my way." - Dragon samurai.

Bronze Lantern - "It is a thing so vile, not even the Iuchi would carry it." - Hoyjin.

Call the Spirit - "The Dragon shugenja turned, spinning his hands into the air. As he chanted, the spirit samurai ceased moving, its eyes flung open, forced to obey."

Chou-Sin - "Can one truly know a thing when it is incomplete?"

Clay Soldiers - "Tsuneo stormed the provinces of the Isawa, murdering the daughter of the Master of Earth and stealing the Phoenix children. "If you will not bow to your past," the letter to the Imperial court read, "you will bow to save their future."

Cliffs of Golden Tears - "One by one, the legion of the dead marched to the cliffs above the Phoenix temples and leapt into the sea. Thus, the spirits returned to the land of the dead and the Empire was free to begin anew."

Crab Tattoo - "Secrets still haunt the Crab who returned from Volturnum...and not all shadows in Hida lands are cast by mortal forms."

Cursed Ground - "Deep in the Shadowlands, a new threat arises. People find oni chewed as if by the wind, torn apart, with limbs missing and torsos frayed. Something collects hearts and bodies. . . and when it comes to Rokugan, we must be prepared."

Daidoji Hachi - "My family is Daidoji, and I am theirs, but my ancestors had another name: Yasuki."

Dark Secrets - "The best mask is the one no one knows you have."

Devastation of Beiden Pass - "---"

Doji Kurohito - "I do not care that she died in dishonor; I do not care that her life ended hundreds of years ago. She is the daughter of a Thunder, and she is my bride. She has died for her dishonor and come back. If you would like to match that feat, I would be pleased to help you on your way."

Doji Meihu - "An ancient general, fallen in war against the Crab. The present means nothing to these spirits - save that they can use it to attain their forgotten goals."

Doji Reju (Experienced 2) - "He stood by Kuwanan's side as the Horde shattered the Crane army, but he could not save his lord."

Dragon Dancers - "Never promise more than you can perform." - The Tao of Shinsei

Earthquake at Otosan Uchi - "In the twelfth year of the Emperor's reign, a terrible earthquake shook the imperial city. It took only a few minute's of the earth's labor to create, but it will take the course of centuries to undo."

East Wall of Otosan Uchi (Experienced) - "---"

Emperor's Favor - "Toturi rules with dignity and wisdom. He upholds honor and enforces the law of the Jade Throne. To hold the favor of such a great man is to hold the heavens and the skies in your palm. With his word, you can do anything." - Akodo Ijiasu

Emperor's Under-Hand - "See that the spirits do not succeed, Yojiro-san." - Toturi the First

Empress's Guard - "Ten years of service, and not a single spirit has laid a hand upon my wife or children. I trust my wife's safety to the finest people, Yojiro. I will not see them questioned." - Toturi the First.

Fall of the Alliance - "Now there will be only the Mantis. . . and the forgotten." - Yoritomo Aramasu

Fall on Your Knees - "The Phoenix will do as we command, or their children will die. To prove that we mean what we say kill...that one." - Hantei XVI

Fallen Ground - "It was the first battle of the Spirit Wars. The Lion did not expect Tsuneo's troops to stand against their charge. Though the Lion carried the day, the victory came at a terrible price." - "Battle of Fallen Ground," The Ikoma histories

Fallen Legion - "Something dark grows in the heart of the Shadowlands, but the Seven Clans have no time for the minions of Fu Leng. Let the clans fight their ancestors: the Crab have better things to do."

Fields of Darkness - "I remember the Battle of Drowned Honor. Like a striking serpent, the Black Finger River rose up to meet us, and now my family lies deep beneath the black waters of the Forbidden Lake. Their screams haunt me echoing on empty waves." Hiruma Yugure.

Fields of the Sun - "Tsukiyoka stood over Tampako's corpse. "The Empire will neve kneel to tyranny, Tsuneo," he said, and with those words the Asahina lost a favored son."

Giuniko - "One cannot teach wisdom unless one has students to listen."

Great Crater - "After Beiden Pass fell, Lord Sun's fire broke open the mountains at the spine of the world, that we could still pass through. It is a road - but one fit only for the brave." - Moto Fujeki

Guard the House - "We defeated the Shadow and returned home with honor and glory...but when we arrived we found the fields flooded, our palace destroyed." Daidoji Hachi

Hantei XVI - "Let the people hate, as long as they also fear."

Hesitation - "You may think we should not fight these spirits, Soshi-sama," the general said, "but first hear how your son has died."

Hida Hio - "He fights beside Ratlings, not his own family. Perhaps he is afraid to be seen with a true Crab?" -Hida Unari

Hida Kuon - "When they told him his father was dead, he did not weep, did not shout or howl. Kuon only looked at me and asked how he could avenge Yasamura -sama. He will be a strong Crab - a fit general for the Hida and a worthy son of his mother's line." - Hida Rohiteki

Hida Kuroda - "He studied in the Unicorn lands, following in his father's footsteps. One day he will be Champion of the Crab, but for now he has much still to learn." - Hida Rohiteki

Hida Sukune - "---"

Hida Tsuneo - "Tsuneo was the greatest general of his age, now turned against the Empire at Hantei XVI's command. He will never surrender, and he will never fall. How can we defeat a legend?" - Shiba Gensui

Hitomi's Glare - "Takao aided her; now she must aid the Brotherhood before their pride fails them."

Honorable - "---"

Ide Gokun - "I know your tracks, Paneki, and I know your ways. You cannot escape me."

Ikoma Tsai - "The ox bought their freedom from the Unicorn with the blood of our ancestors, fighting to destroy the sprit armies that threaten Iuchi lands. Neither treachery has been forgotten. . . and a child's eyes have seen the truth." - Matsu Ketsui

Imperial Census - "The Empire flourished under its Emperor and Empress, and with each child born the land rejoiced."

Infantry Charge - "Tsuneo's legions were on higher ground and had greater troops. The Moto had only courage. The remaining spirit forces fled, but the Moto ran them down and left them dying in pools of golden blood."

Inkyo - "We saw the hills shake and the earth fall. As we watched, the ocean tore the rocks away from the shore. The renegade spirits anger the Celestial Heavens, and will all pay the price."

Intelligence Agent - "---"

Interruption - "I told you once before" - the merchant captain grinned - "not on my ship."

Iron Mempo - "It burst from the melee, a beast at the center of a whirling wind of steel. Its eye fixed upon me from behind a mask of iron, and I ran." - Nameless Ashigaru

Isawa Metigaru - "You stand against fate, Tsukune. 'Defend and serve,' or your line will pay the price."

Isawa Nakamuro - "They took Yaruko's life to 'convince' the Masters to betray Toturi. They did not expect us to fight at the sound of her screams. . . but we were still to late."

Kaiu Sensei - "---"

Kakita Kaiten (Experienced) - "...Over the inevitable, do not grieve. But seek the ever-changing and find the core." - Rezan's Awakening, Part II

Kamoko's Constellation - "Forever."

Ks - "I loved her," Aikune said, placing the last flower upon the marker of her death. With pained eyes, Nakamuro looked down at the still, cold stone. - "I know."

Kohuri - "Death does not frighten those who stand watch in the night."

Kuni Utagu - "---"

Lady of the Forest Sensei - "Even the largest mountains are made of small stones."

Lalesha - "---"

Last Gift - "The Lady gave us this last gift in trust for Ryoshen. It turned to glass in his hands as he returned it to us to keep for you." As Yoshune bowed and reached out to accept the warm stone, he heard a soft whisper in his soul: Satsu."

Lay the Blame - "The Lion must pay for the mistakes of the Kitsu and restore the balance of the Celestial Heavens." - Bayushi Yojiro

Let the Spirit Move You - "He was an honorable opponent, and for his courage, I allowed him to live." Hantei snarled, "You decide nothing, general. Ride him down."

Lsinyuan - "My infantry have already seen death and suffered Jigoku's chains. What have they to fear?"

Luring Tactics - "Bitter swords drove the Crab and the Scorpion armies backward into the pass. I saw Tadashiro fall there, fighting with his family. Then I heard the most horrible roar..." - Hida Unari.

Mara's Farewell - "Sleep on, my people....I will be with you again." - Mara

Master Smith Ascends - "Henshin, beware. Your time is near." - The Scrolls of Norikazu

Mirumoto Ukira - "Even loss and betrayal can bring an awakening."

Mirumoto Uso (Experienced) - "Certain in death for all those who are born, and certain in birth for the dead..." -Rezan's Awakening, Part I

Miya Dosonu - "I have done my duty - served my clan in this life and in the next. Now it is time for me to respect the laws of the Fortunes and return to the lands beyond death."

Miya Sensei - "The art of war is the way to preserve peace."

Miya Yemi - "His father has returned to Jigoku as the Emperor commanded, but Donosu's child will remain with me. If that means I am disobedient, then so be it."

Mizuichi - "When the Lion first attacked, Mizuichi and his swift steed carried their battle-plan to Tsuneo's ear. His cavalry kept the Matsu at bay until the Stone Crab could rally and defeat them, and, through his valor, they forced even the Matsu to retreat." - Kakita Kaiten

Mokoto - "I rode with Toturi when Fu Leng fell, I stayed by his side on the march home from Volturnum. I will not fail him now."

Morito (Experienced 2) - "Nothing destroys as swiftly as ambition... or as painfully as regret."

Mortal Flesh - "And with mortal flesh came mortal desires. . . "

Moshi Shanegon - "Go back and tell the all-powerful Hantei XVI that he has no empire and that the Mantis have no need for his 'gratitude'. If he wants to take his armies to Otosan Uchi, he can swim there."

Moto Hideyo - "They say that those who stand before him are as a willow tree against a tsunami." Kitsu Dejiko smiled. "But he has not yet met the Lion."

Moto Technique - "I never knew how insane the Moto were until I saw them with my own eyes." - Daidoji Hachi

Moto Vordu - "Without sacrifice, there can be no victory. Think on that, Hideyo, when the time comes to pay the price for what I have given you."

Moving the Wind - "Roshungi grinned, his bloody ax dripping with rotted flesh. "Too late, little Phoenix spirit. . . too late!"

Nage-yari - "The Asahina mourn for their own that would give hate a place in their hearts. Where, then, is there room for hope?" - Isawa Taeruko

New Kimono - "Not all of the days of the Spirit Wars are remembered as days of bloodshed and death. In the courts of the Crane and Phoenix, the young samurai remind us that our glorious Empire still lives and breathes." - The journal of Kakita Meyoko, imperial courtier

Nightmare - "Having scouted the depths of the Shadowlands, I know not from whence this has come." - Hiruma Taki

Noble Halls of the Akodo - "---"

Noekam - "The Keeper of the Tomb hordes the bones of the dead like jewels...but to what purpose?"

North Wall of Otosan Uchi (Experienced) - "---"

Obsidian Statues - "Why did you trust me, Odoshi?" The Phoenix replied. "Because the Empire is more important that our war."

Old Debts - "Welcome back to the Empire, Akodo. Let us see how long your rebirth lasts...." - Kitsuki Mizuocji

Oni no Fushiki - "Fire is the harbinger of war."

Oni no Yamaso - "The wall of tortured spirits formed a barrier that stole from our ranks even as we tried to reach the other side." - Tsuruchi Okame

Oni Spawn - "Far from their spawning pools, oni have begun to multiply. . . within the Empire's borders."

Otomo Dsichi - "A single word in the right person's ear can wreak more havoc than a thousand swords."

Otomo Hoketohime - "A beautiful woman of noble lineage, Hoketuhime has a heart colder than Dragon snows and harder than their mountains. She will never be won." - Seppun Mashita

Personal Sacrifice - "Do not do this, Mio. You know that your fight is wrong." The Dragon's eyes were tortured. "I have no choice, Ukira. I have no choice."

Poorly Placed Garden - "Fifteen years, and all the Kuni has been able to grow are a few roots and scrub grasses. What does he think could live in that barren patch of soil?" - Hiruma Zunguri

Quiet Tombs - "Tsuneo stood before the Emperor, sword in hand. "We who have been reborn will not return to Jigoku without a fight. Whether you kill us or whether we go willingly - it is all the same. We cannot ignore our duties, and you cannot ignore your honor." With those words the Spirit Wars began."

Ratling Scroungers - "They take what they can find, and what they cannot find they steal. The Nezumi are repugnant creatures fir only for work eta would avoid." - Kakita Kaiten

Return for Training - "The battlefield is not your destiny." The old Daidoji looked southward. "You will tend to the carp, Akeu. When they have wings, you may return."

Revealing the Bastard - "I was raised in the Lion lands, weaned on tales of your honor and her love. She was a simple geisha, and I am nothing more than her child - your sun, Toturi-sama." - The Bastard

Revering the Past - "Remember me, my grandson, though your family destroys the spirits who would live again. Remember, as I die, and learn." - The spirit of Ide Kasagi at the Leaping Place

Right to Rule - "You have no power over us Hantei," the Emperor said. "I have more than you know, " the spirit replied, and Tsukune reached slowly for her sword."

Roshungi (Experienced) - "Spell through flesh: steel through bone - all things can be severed, in time."

Ruin and Devastation - "Hida Tsuneo was a brilliant general and, while on Hantei's leash, ruthless to anything in his path." - Bayushi Hisa

Saigorei (Experienced) - "An imperial courtesan's son?" The Crab laughed. "I would sooner fear a geisha."

Sanctified Temple - "Tsukiyoka lost more than his life at Volturnum; he also lost his peace. Now our ancestors walk the earth, and we must find harmony, not war – or the Goju will have won." – Asahina Tomako

Scaring the Masses - "Run fools." - Kaiu Endo

Scholarship - "In peace, there is scholarship. In learning, there is wisdom. In war, there is only death."

Shasyahkar (Experienced) - "Sleep well, beloved ones. Know that I will stand between you and danger, and see you once more when you wake."

Shaunasea - "We are the makers of dreams: you, the dreamers. While you sleep, we will wander alone beneath the pale moon-the movers of the world."

Shiba Aikune - "Tsukune's son is bold and brash like his father, and the loss of Isawa Yaruko has turned his young eyes toward revenge." - Soshi Angai

Shiba Ningen (Experienced) - "I see the weight of ages upon his young soul. His responsibility has changed him; he serves the Council - not his family. But no matter what comes, a Shiba will sit at the Council of Masters." - Shiba Tsukune

Shinjo Shono (Experienced) - "Though my father is dead and my family ruined, I will have my vengeance!"

Shiryo no Ch'i - "She served in the libraries of the Asako and serves her destiny still."

Shiryo no Hotei - "Do not fear sanity, for samurai will not risk what they fear to lose. Fear samurai who have lost their minds; they have nothing left to gain." - Kakita's The Sword

Shiryo no Nyoko - "She forged Bitter and Honorable-swords thought lost to time. With their return, her soul has awakened, guiding us to restore the balance of the Karmic Wheel." - Togashi Hoshi.

Shiryo no Rohata Once you become a soldier, battle becomes part of your soul. Only death can remove it.

Shiryo no Shoju - "Secrets are locks to hide the truth, but all locks have keys."

Shiryo no Taisa - "Knowledge of your position is not as vital as knowledge of your enemy's."

Shiryo no Ujik-hai - "In my wake, a thousand warriors bled their lives into the sand. I expect no less from my children."

Shosuro Chian (Experienced) - "---"

Shrine of the Evening Star - "Only the Phoenix know the path to return from death. From the Celestial Heavens, a grateful Moon looks down on them with Honor."

Shrine of the Spirits - "---"

Shuriken - "---"

Sign of Weakness - "Lightning destroyed dozens of fighters - the first of her victories."

Signal Corps - "The spirit generals under Tsuneo's command coordinated their attacks with ancient magics and ruthless efficiency."

Silver Mine - "Mirumoto and Kitsuki now live around Kanawa Taki. For a thousand years Phoenix monks tended this land. It is ours in all but name." – Isawa Hochiu

Simple Huts - "Supplies run short, my lord. Tsuneo has taken the Hida lands, and the Daidoji and Asahina fields are in flames. IF Tsuneo chooses to press the advantage, we will be lost." - Ide Buodin

Small Farm - "The waters Kumo raised laid the Doji Plains to waste, ash covers the Mirumoto lands, and Tsuneo salted the Scorpion lands. Each small farm has become precious."

Snow Crane Tattoo - "My time is done, Rekai." Uji choked as he died. "Yours begins."

Sodegarami - "Tsuneo has commanded, and I will obey," she hissed and her eyes shone with gleeful madness. "Remember me when you feel the fires of death."

Soshi Angai - "All things are possible. For a time a Scorpion can be a Crane, and a woman can even pass as a man. When I have the secrets of the Kakita in my hands, I will suddenly vanish - and not even their great Kenshinzen will ever find me."

Soul Sword - "Some will fall in this battle, but, if your soul is strong, you will not be among them." - Tamori Shaitung

South Wall of Otosan Uchi (Experienced) - "---"

Spirit Bells - "Shugenja have rung them for centuries to call their ancestors at festival. Who could ever have guessed of the power they displayed during the Spirit Wars." - Iuchi Tzichung

Spirit Hounds - "He released the dogs with glee, watching as they tore through our cornered legion. if it had not been for Tsuko's Heart, they would surel have killed us all." - Ikom Tsai

Star-Filled Steel - "Under the guidance of the Sun and Moon, the master smith forged new weapons for the arisen Kami to continue their feud."

Sumai Match - "---"

Suzume Roshi - "The Shadowlands did not place within us the shadow that falls over our souls, nor did the Goju. It is not there because others have failed us, but because we have failed ourselves."

Suzume Sensei - "Dream of th eskies; walk on the earth."

Taikon - "Even with his skills, we may still never recover." - Asahina Dorai

Tamori Chosai - "He has returned from retirement, his loyalty to his clan greater than his family's."

Tamori Shaitung - "Our magic is not as the Phoenix practice it. My father understood this, though his family did not."

Te'tik'kir - "Do not insult the Nameseekers. They give life, but they take-take it as well. Anger one, and it can also steal away your life, your name....and your soul." - Chicuk, Ratling Guide

Temptation - "I will help you," Ayisha purred, "but in return you must help me. Help me live, samurai, and I will give you the world."

Three-Stone River - "---"

Through the Flames - "Utagu's methods are extreme, but his results cannot be questioned."

Togashi Mio - "He fought with Tsuneo's legions when they stormed the fields of the Unicorn, tearing through the Iuchi guards. "I died at your hands once, Unicorn," he said. "I will not do so again."

Torii Arch - "Our war is not a war of arrogance, your majesty, but of a people who have returned home. We only wish to take our due. If that means your empire must change, then so it must." - Uidori

Torii Tattoo - "---"

Towers of the Asako - "---"

Treaty - "We offer you the protection of the Phoenix." "Tetsuya-san, we need room to live, not your protection." The Master's eyes grew cold, and the Kitsuki, too late, knew his mistake.

Tsi Yoji - "---"

Tsuko Sensei - "---"

Tsuko's Heart - "Turi's pitiful soldiers swore to destroy those spirits who flee their duty and would not return," Hida Tsuneo laughed, "but students cannot best masters at their own lessons."

Tsuruchi Okame - "---"

Turn of Fate - "---"

Uidori - "When you struggle against the moment, you struggle against the universe."

Undead Legion - "---"

Uona Sensei - "All things will come to virtue in time, as all winds come before storms."

Usagi Gohei - "I gave my life for the honor of my clan. It will take another lifetime to restore it."

Utaku Yu-Pan - "We cannot track spirits," Xieng Chi said. The hunter replied, "They killed my family to honor a war three hundred years old. If need be, I cna find them in Jigoku itself, and I will give them death."

Wall of Bones - "The ground is scoured clean; we will never return." - Kuni Yasashii

War Paints - "I don't want to know what you use in that paint...and no, I don't want any!" - Hida Hio

Warriors of the Great Climb - "We saw a unit of spirit warriors turn back without a strike, unwilling to fight against three Dragon ise zumi. When we asked the Dragon why, they spoke in riddles."

Wasp Sensei - "The only thing samurai truly own is their word. Break your word, and you are nothing."

Weapons Cache - "Come, come, Otomo-sama. All wars must have soldiers, and soldiers must have weapons. Where else can you get such fine wares, now that the spirits have taken the mines of the Crab?"

West Wall of Otosan Uchi (Experienced) - "---"

Where Tsanuri Fell - "She was a brave general and a courageous warrior. Ten men died in the Shadowlands while building her shrine - but many more would have died, if not for her honor." - The Ikoma Histories.

Witch Hunt - "Come, Utagu. Let us see where your heart truly lies." - Mohai, The Battle of Drowned Honor, vol II

Witch Hunter's Accusation - "Utagu has been relentless, driving them from their bloody rituals and purifying the Empire of maho. But there is still one tsukai he has yet to catch. . . "- Asahina Tsukiyoka

Wutho - "He's a clever little one. But not clever enough."- Hida Rohiteki

Yakamo's Smile - "---"

Yeiseo - "You live in falsehoods, in fables and deceptions. There is no peace beyond death - only torture and agony, knowing that you have failed. Do not listen to the world. It lies; it lies to us all."

Yoee'trr - *THUNK* "Now me hit-hit other eye. You watch."

Yokai no Mizushai - "The mist of the Black Finger River does not take insult; it takes lives." - Kyoso no Oni

Yoritomo Aramasu - "We stand isolated, with enemies on all sides."

Yoritomo Kitao - "I do not care how honorable these spirits and ancient ancestors were a hundred years ago." The kobune captain grinned mercilessly, fingering her nunchaku. "The question is, how much can they pay now?"

Yoritomo Yukue - "---"


