Season of the Unicorn

A new era is dawning for Rokugan, a new Dynasty, under a new Emperor. Who will this new Emperor be? What role will your clan play in his or her ascension?

The only one who can answer that question is you.

In the vast steppes of the Unicorn, Moto Chagatai dreams of a more glorious time. Once, his people rode across the vast deserts unopposed. Once, the name of the Khan was feared and respected. Once, there was no limit to their conquests save the next horizon. Since the Moto family's return to Rokugan, the Unicorn have looked upon the Empire and wondered at their place in it. For too long, the clan of the Unicorn have been ignored. For too long, they have been looked upon as little better than barbarians, outsiders in their own homes. They will endure it no more!

The death of Toturi was a tragedy for the Empire, but in this tragedy Chagatai sees opportunity. He sees a chance for his people to seize their destiny, to show the other clans the strength and honor of the Unicorn. The soldiers of the Khan, unlike many Rokugani, are no strangers to battle. They have been hardened by their explorations of the distant dunes of the Burning Sands and the mysterious depths of the Shinomen. They are prepared for the dark times to come. The Unicorn's strength could turn the tide of the conflicts to come... turn it to the Unicorn's advantage!

Once, the name of the khan hung on everyone's lips. The name of the first Moto. The name of his grandfather, Gaheris, who saved the clan from extinction.

Chagatai vows his name will be remembered as well. He is Moto Chagatai. Chagatai Khan. Champion of the Unicorn.

Now is the season of his people. This will be their story.

The event that will unfold due to the results of the Season of the Unicorn depend upon the clan you choose to represent, and their performance relative to the other clans. Though the Unicorn are spotlighted in many of these events, all clans will be affected by the outcome of the Season of the Unicorn. The events resulting from this tournament affect not only the winning clan, but every clan...

Open war has erupted between the Crab and Crane as they battle to see which clan truly deserves the Yasuki name. The Unicorn have been allies of both clans in the past, and now stand in indecision, helping neither. If the Crab win, their Shinjo allies will arrive in force to help turn the tide. If the Crane win, their allies in the court convince the Ide to turn the Unicorn's attention away from the conflict.

Though they are neighbors, the Unicorn have had only rare dealings with the Clan of the Dragon. The Clan of the Phoenix have been allies in the past, but they seem much changed of late. More distant. More arrogant. The Unicorn and their allies in the Ox are watching these two clans carefully. The stronger of these two groups could prove a welcome allyÉ or a worthy foe.

In Ryoko Owari, the Scorpion's presence has weakened. As the masked warriors of the Bayushi family scour their provinces to search for the killer of the Emperor, their military presence in the City of Lies is greatly diminished. Ryoko Owari is a rich city, second only to the capital itself. With speed and cunning, the Unicorn could snatch Ryoko Owari from the clutches of the ScorpionÉbut they must defeat the Scorpion first.

On the fields near the Kitsu Tombs, the Lion face a strange new threat. The monstrous Tsuno, beasts from the Shadowlands unlike any seen before. Unicorn scouts skirt the edge of the battle, but have not yet involved themselves in the conflict until more can be learned about this new foe. If the Lion demonstrate greater valor than their Shadowlands foes, the Unicorn and Lion together will discover the true nature of these Tsuno. If the Shadowlands defeat the Lion, however, the clever spies of the Unicorn will press their advantage and steal away a few of the Kitsu's secrets.

Each Unicorn who wins a tournament during the Season of the Unicorn will receive a special prize -- a chance to vote on the destiny of his or her clan, to help the Khan decide who will face their fury, and which of the Four Winds will find the favor of the People of the Wind.

For all others who succeed in this venture, the secret of the Naga's Legacy -- now the Unicorn's honor to protect -- will be revealed.

These are interesting times indeed for the Unicorn, but there are even more great events transpiring in the Empire than even the mighty Khan can monitor...

Toturi Tsudao, leader of the Emerald Legion and daughter of Toturi, stands beside the Lion against the armies of the Tsuno. The clan with the greatest representation in the tournaments will see one of their number promoted to general of the Imperial Legions for assisting Tsudao in her time of need.

Hantei Naseru has agreed to end the Crane and Lion's long feud over Violence Behind Courtliness City. The Clan with more wins -- Lion or Crane -- gains control of the city.

The Dragon and Phoenix both consider themselves masters of magic, and of late they have become bitter enemies as well. As son of the Emperor and a shugenja, the favor of Toturi Sezaru would do much to support either clan's claim. Whichever clan, Dragon or Phoenix, has a larger number of wins gains the Wolf's favor.

In the lands of the Crab, the Hiruma are suddenly besieged by an army of oni the likes of which have not been seen in decades. A scout force of Crabs and Ratlings are sent south to investigate. If the Crabs and Ratlings can defeat the Shadowlands, they can defuse this new threat before it grows worse. If the Shadowlands Horde succeeds... pray that the Horde does not succeed.

And as for the clan of the Scorpion? Their victory lies in the failure of their enemies. The clan with the least representation in the tournaments will find itself at the mercy of the Scorpion... if such can be called "mercy."