The Dragon Clan

The Dragon follow the teachings of Togashi, the most enlightened of all the Kami. These mystic tattooed monks understand the destiny of the Empire like none other. Though their ways are often mysterious and misunderstood, the Dragon are ever prepared to venture forth and save the Empire from itself. They do what they do for no other reason than because they must. They are the Dragon.

Shiro Mirumoto

The time is now. The Phoenix Clan stands without strong leadership; their Lion allies haveretreated to deal with attacks upon their home provinces. From the Shrine of the Ki-Rin the Dragon must extend their reach over the neutral territories so that their clan's survival will be insured. The skilled samurai of the Mirumoto family see it as their duty not only to secure these lands but to take the battle to the Phoenix Clan itself, teaching their arrogant neighbors what it means to tempt the wrath of the Dragon.

You are the Dragon Clan... and you choose your own way. Mysticism, tattooed monks, twin swords, and vision. You are the Dragon... and your power hangs over the Empire like a great boulder on a precipice, poised to move and change all beneath it.


The Shadowlands Horde

Beyond the borders of Rokugan, raw evil boils from the earth, a festering pit of total corruption created by the fall of the Dark Brother, Fu Leng - slain thirty years ago. Leaderless and disorganized the Shadowlands has been dismissed by a generation of Rokugani as a threat long since defeated. Unobserved the armies of darkness prepare to teach the Empire a lesson that will never be forgotten. Evil never dies. They are the Shadowlands Horde.

Citadel of Daigotsu

Daigotsu, the new Lord of the Shadowlands, has given new unity to the armies of darkness. Under his command, the twisted oni have increased in strength, the laughable bakemono have become stronger, the ogres have set aside their hatred of all other races, and the armies of the Lost have more than doubled in size. the nightmares of Rokugan stand ready to destroy them from within, and by the time the new Dark Lord's true plans are revealed it will be too late...

You are the grow weary of sending minions to probe the Empire's weaknesses. You learn and grow stronger. Force, domination, power, and bleeding evil. You are the Shadowlands...and evil will have its day.


The Unicorn Clan

The Unicorn ride across the wide plains of western Rokugan in the proud tradition of their founder, the Kami Shinjo. They call themselves the people of the Wind, a clan of explorers and cavalry warriors. Some consider the Unicorn too eager to embrace the culture and technology of foreign nations. Some call them barbarians. The Unicorn laugh at the jealousy of those who will never understand their ways. They are the Unicorn.

Shiro Ide

While Moto Chagatai's three armies maneuver their forces into position in critical areas throughout the Empire, it is the duty of the Ide family to be the public face of the clan. The clever diplomats and caravan masters of the Ide work in tandem with the swift cavalry forces of the other families. The Ide recognize that while the true strength of the Unicorn lies in the power of its armies, no army can stand for long without the proper resources.

You are the Unicorn Clan ... and you used to worry that you would never be at home in the Empire, that the Empire would always hold your clan's barbarian status against you. Speed, mounted warfare, justice and adventure. You are the Unicorn ... and you dare great things, because you can.