Dark Allies: Box Text

New alliances form. Old ones fall apart.

Divisions between the Lion and the Phoenix explode into violence, as harsh words become harsher action. With enemies all about, the Lion must find allies wherever they can.

Akodo Kaneka fortifies his position in the Yasuki lands by revealing his alliance with the powerful Mantis and Unicorn clans. Together, they rule the roads and seas of Rokugan. Neither Crab nor Crane can oust the Wind from those lands they contested so harshly.

The Dragon raise a wall of earth to defend themselves from the mighty Phoenix clan, while their allies in the Scorpion must struggle to maintain their hold in the City of Lies.

And in the lands of the Crab, Hida Kuon receives a disturbing offer of parley from the new Lord of the Shadowlands. He rides forth to discover what this Daigotsu demands of him... when he hears the Dark Lord's offer, what will his answer be?