The Lion Clan

As long as there has been an Emperor, the Lion have served as his right hand. They are the soldiers of the Empire. They define Bushido, the way of the samurai; they are a shining example to others. They never turn from battle, never know fear even when certain death is upon them. So long as their honor is their ally and glory is their reward, there can be no defeat. They are the Lion.

Shiro Matsu

In this time of war, the Lion are besieged on all sides. The strange Tsuno march at the side of the Shadowlands Horde, thirsty for vengeance against the Lion for some unknown offense. In the north, the Phoenix blame the Lion for their losses against the Dragon and turn against them in a fury. And the Lion's ancient enemies in the Crane Clan have taken advantage of their distraction to seize the city of Toshi Ranbo once more. The Matsu, largest and greatest warrior family in Rokugan, have the unenviable task of fighting three enemies at once. They welcome the challenge.

You are the Lion Clan... and war is your sacred duty. Honor, military prowess, loyalty, and courage. You are the Lion... and none can stand before you.


The Mantis Clan

In the southern islands of Rokugan dwell the Mantis. They follow the example of no Kami, but honor Osano-Wo, the Fortune of Fire and Thunder. Their great fleets rule the waves. Their shugenja command the power of the storm itself. Their archers are the finest in the Empire. The other clans call them cutthroats, pirates, mercenaries. The Mantis do not care what the rest of the Empire believes - so long as they are shown the respect they deserve. They are the Mantis.

Inazuma no Toshi

In the City of Lightning, Yoritomo Kitao has ordered that even more vessels be added to the already impressive Mantis Fleet, as she dispatches Mantis ships to dominate the Empire's sea trade routes. Though the Mantis control the seas, Kitao and the Storm Legion are nowhere to be seen. Could there be truth to the rumors that Yoritomo, the legendary daimyo of the Mantis, has a lost heir? And if the ambitious Kitao should find this heir, will she surrender her position or destroy him.

You are the Mantis Clan... and you sail headlong through the seas of fortune, charting a course you alone can follow. Fate, Fortune, arrogance, and resolve. You are the Mantis... and the voice of Thunder cannot be silenced.


The Phoenix Clan

The Phoenix clan honor the way of Shiba, the most peaceful of all the Kami. They seek enlightenment through the study of the elements, and have mastered the art of magic like no other clan. However, despite their love of peace and reclusive nature, destiny seems to drive the Phoenix toward the path of war. Though they may fall in battle, let their enemies beware - for these samurai always rise stronger than before. They are the Phoenix.

Kyuden Agasha

Once members of the Dragon clan, the mystics and alchemists of the Agasha now stand with the Phoenix. Now they watch the war between their current and former clans take a new turn; with Isawa's Last Wish unleashed, Shiba Aikune demands retribution against the Dragon for their invasion of the Phoenix lands. The Agasha argue that the power of the Wish should be used to preserve peace, but will their clan's fierce new military leader merely view them as Dragon sympathizers?

You are the Phoenix Clan... and your power is limitless. Magic, knowledge, mastery, and the future. You are the Phoenix.. and you know what is best for the Empire.