Season of the Crab: Honor in War

Hida Reiha charged through the halls of Kyuden Hida. When the servants saw her coming, they scrambled to remove everything in her path. It was altogether possible, given the determined expression on her face, that she might have charged directly through the paper walls had they not pushed them aside. In Kyuden Hida, such a thing was not unheard of. Reiha paid the servants no mind, hurrying into the chambers of the Crab Champion's inner council. Five samurai were in intense discussion over a map of the Kaiu Wall. Small flags and models covered its surface. Reiha knelt with head bowed and one fist to the floor, waiting to be acknowledged.

"Reiha-chan," said the samurai at the head of the table. Standing over six feet tall, he was an extraordinarily large man, even for a Crab. His face was grim and determined, though it softened slightly when his black eyes settled on Reiha. "Report."

"Sunao and the armies of the Baraunghar have circled to flank Daigotsu in the north," Reiha replied, rising and taking her place at the table. "They await your signal, Kuon-sama."

"Kaiu Ryojiro has built a defensive wall of siege engines bolstered by Kuni magic in the south," added Hida Sakamoto, a grizzled veteran leaning over the table to Kuon's left. "That should prevent the three towers we have retaken from falling back into enemy hands while we make our next push."

"What sort of defenses do we face?" Kuon asked, face grave as he looked at his advisors.

Hida Rohiteki sighed. She was a woman in late middle age and unusual for a Hida. From the thick armor and heavy weapons she wore one could hardly tell that she was a priest of the kami. She had served under four different Crab Champions, and Kuon valued her advice and experience above most others in critical situations. "Daigotsu has withdrawn most of the Lost from the Wall. He has filled the fallen towers with oni and undead, creatures. Prying such creatures out will be difficult; unlike the Lost, they have no regard for their own lives. We will lose many no matter how we attack, and this is not even considering their leadership. . ."

The table grew quiet. All knew that Kuon's brother, the former Champion of the Crab, now led the Shadowlands forces. The memory was like an open wound for all of them. Reiha shuddered. She had been the last to see Kuroda alive. She remembered how difficult it had been to fight her way free of the towers when they had first been conquered. If even more troops held them now, and Hida Kuroda led them. . .

"I still think you should reconsider the Shogun's offer," said Hida Hitoshi. He was a short, burly Crab only recently appointed to Kuon's cabinet due to his affiliation with Akodo Kaneka. "He will help us crush the Horde, and when the Wall is safe we will help him crush the Crane. I do not see any reason not to accept."

In the corner of the room, Toritaka Tatsune laughed bitterly. The scarred daimyo of the Toritaka family was also Reiha's sensei, the master of the most prestigious dojo in Crab lands. His tendency to speak his mind openly had earned Kuon's respect. "The Shogun, do us a favor?" Tatsune asked cynically. "He already squats on the Yasuki lands and rations our own gold and supplies back to us. I do not think we need any more 'favors' from the Shogun."

"Good point," Kuon nodded.

Hitoshi's face grew dark red. His moustache twitched. Reiha had trained with Hitoshi; she knew that the man had a hot temper. He had been one of the first samurai to swear his sword to the Shogun's new army, and greatly admired Kaneka. By the look on his face, it was likely he was going to say something foolish unless she carefully stopped him. "It is not that we do not appreciate the Shogun's offer," Reiha added quickly. "It is merely that we cannot afford to become embroiled in politics at this time."

"Politics?" Hitoshi replied, looking at Reiha.

"The conflict between the Four Winds has grown even more fierce since the attack on Otosan Uchi," Reiha said. "We cannot afford to have our efforts to take back the Wall be attached to any of the Four Winds, lest one of Kaneka's enemies use it as an excuse to undermine our efforts. Our battle here is too important. Besides, the Shogun is already helping us, is he not? He has already overlooked Iuchi Lixue's presence here and offered us weapons and supplies."

"Hai," Hitoshi replied, stroking his moustache. "I suppose you are right, Reiha-chan."

Reiha looked back at the table, but caught Kuon's gaze for a moment. He nodded to her slightly in thanks. Kuon was an expert warrior, but sometimes the subtleties of politics and human nature escaped him. He recognized that such arenas were not his strength, and knew to rely upon others who could better deal with such situations. It was not often a man in his position so readily acknowledged his own shortcomings, and Reiha felt that Kuon was stronger for it. It was merely one of the many reasons Reiha had such tremendous respect for how Kuon had dealt with the aftermath of his brother's death.

That thought, unpleasant as it was, reminded Reiha of her purpose here. "Kuon-sama," she began, "I have been among the troops and spoken to them as you requested. Many of them are demoralized by your brother's fate. I think that is why our initial attack failed to oust the Horde from the Wall entirely. I fear that the longer it takes for us to take back the Wall, the more difficult it will be for our troops to face Kuroda. The Crab need an outlet for their anger, a victory to drive them onward before rage transforms into melancholy."

Kuon scratched his head, considering Reiha's words carefully. "I am a man of action, and your words ring true, Reiha-chan. The melancholy you speak of, I have felt in my own heart when I think about my brother, and I have seen many strong men falter from a weak spirit. We must take back the Wall as quickly as possible, or it may never happen."

"It would be best if we committed our forces to a single offensive front," Sakamoto said. "The Wall is the symbol of our clan's strength. We should take back the Wall as soon as possible, no matter the cost."

"Perhaps the key is not the Wall at all," Hitoshi added immediately. "I think we should attack the Crane. They are our enemies, now and forever. Doji Kurohito," Hitoshi spat the name, "must pay for killing O-Ushi-sama."

"Would you have our men fight your precious Shogun's forces?" Tatsune asked. "They are in the way if we decide to march on the Crane, after all. And we cannot fight a constant battle on the Wall as well as with the Crane. Did we learn nothing from last time?"

Hitoshi curled his lip in anger at the scarred sensei. "It would be simple to find allies. The Dragon, for instance, are currently in poor shape. They could benefit from an alliance with us."

"Like Hogai benefited?" Tatsune said. The mention of the samurai who had joined the Dragon and had been lost to madness left Hitoshi strangely quiet. "No, the Crane are not the answer. We must repay this fool Daigotsu for his gall. The remaining towers will never be taken quickly, but that is where he expects us to strike. We must seize the element of surprise and strike deep into the heart of the Shadowlands. We must teach him what it means to arouse the ire of the Crab." The sensei held out one clenched fist before him. "The penalty for his attack is death. We will destroy the City of the Lost."

"Do not underestimate the Dark Lord," Kuon said. "I made that mistake, as did my brother. I will not do so again. The cost is too high."

"The cost of such an attack would be too high as well," Sakamoto added. "The logistics of such a thing are staggering. Deep in the Shadowlands, with no support, minimal supplies, and our shugenja unable to invoke the kami?"

Tatsune laughed. "We only need six good men for what I have in mind," he said. "Daigotsu fights like a samurai, and like a samurai, he has advisors. We send our best Hiruma scouts to assassinate Daigotsu's advisors. His forces will be left disorganized; he will be forced to recall Kuroda and retaking the towers should be simplicity itself."

"So we would strike at the Shadowlands leaders as the Crane struck at us?" Hitoshi snapped.

"It worked for the Crane," Tatsune replied evenly.

"It is too risky," Rohiteki said. "I believe we should direct our attention toward the Onisu." A hush fell over the room at the mention of those dark creatures. Rohiteki looked each one of them in the eyes before continuing. "You all know what I mean. They are the deadliest creatures the Shadowlands has ever spawned, and they can move through the Empire regardless of our defenses. All eight were slain once already, and already they have returned. We are the Crab. We defend the Empire against the Shadowlands. So long as those abominations exist, we have failed. We must find a way to kill the Onisu. Permanently."

"Do you actually suggest we track the beasts down and try to kill them?" Reiha asked incredulously. "You cannot be serious."

"They cannot be beaten with steel," Rohiteki said confidently. "But the secret of their defeat is out there somewhere. It should be the Crab who discover it. It should be the Crab who destroy them once and for all."

"The Shogun can aid us in that quest," offered Hitoshi solemnly "He can rally the shugenja of the Mantis, Scorpion, and Unicorn to aid the Kuni."

"Your Shogun stole our lands," growled Tatsune. "As far as I am concerned, we should ally with the Crane and move against him once we finish with Daigotsu."

"You would ally with my mother's killer?" Kuon asked. There was no anger in his voice, only a strange curiosity.

"Your mother was slain in a fair duel, Kuon-sama. She knew what she was getting into," Tatsune replied. "Kaneka promised the Crane safe passage, then attacked them from behind. He is no samurai."

Hitoshi's red color returned. Sputtering with outrage, Hitoshi half rose from his seat and began reaching for his blade. Tatsune watched him with dead eyes, making no move. Reiha leapt to her feet. "Enough!" she shouted, startling even the surly Tatsune. "Your daimyo calls you to offer your counsel and this is how you act? Like children? Like weaklings? You are no Crab!" The last statement was literally a scream, one that echoed throughout the halls of the palace. Before it faded, Reiha drew her tetsubo and smashed it down on the stone table, cracking the old marble very slightly "We are the Crab!" she continued. "I will follow Hida Kuon into battle, whatever battle he may choose! When my lord Kuon asks for my counsel, I give it! I do not bicker or whine like an old courtier!" She lowered her tetsubo and bowed deeply to Kuon. "Forgive my outburst, Kuon-sama. I will retire until I am more suitable for your presence. Please call me should you need me." With that, she turned and left the room.

Tatsune and Hitoshi murmured their apologies, but Kuon did not hear them. He was chuckling in his deep, resonating voice. "What a woman," he said, watching Reiha retreat into the halls.

* * * * *

The Clan of the Crab have inherited the most unenviable duty of all the clans. Their purpose is to carry on the fight against the evil of the Shadowlands, to wage war against an enemy that can never truly be defeated. With each passing generation, the Shadowlands Horde grows stronger. The Crab have no choice but to become stronger as well. Their samurai man the length of the mighty Kaiu Wall, using their powerful siege weaponry and jade magic to fight back the tides of darkness.

After eight years of relative silence from the horrors beyond the Wall, unprecedented surprise attack led to six of the twelve towers of the Kaiu Wall falling to the Shadowlands Horde. Former Crab Champion Hida Kuroda has fallen in battle and possessed by the Crab Onisu, turning the tactics and knowledge of the Crab's own leader against them. Though the clan's new leader is relatively inexperienced, Hida Kuon shows great wisdom in analyzing the advice of his more experienced samurai and devising a cohesive battle plan. The Crab's counter-attack is slow but implacable. One by one they have retaken and purified the conquered towers. Now only three remain.

These three pose the most difficult test yet. Defended by an army of demons and undead with no regard for their own lives, the Kaiu Towers are a massive deathtrap. Hida Kuroda stands at the height of the last tower, eagerly awaiting his brother.

Only through skill, determination, and raw power can the Crab hope to succeed.

Now is the season of the Crab. This will be a tale of victory.


