Heart of the Empire

Ide Tadaji scratched his long white beard as he considered his next move. Miya Shoin was an expert player despite his youth; if he was half as skilled in politics as he was in shogi, the future of the Empire would be in good hands.
"You seek to restore the Imperial Court, and I commend you for your foresight and courage," Tadaji said. He rested his finger on a piece for a long moment, and then decided against moving it. "Your selections for Imperial Advisor were well wisely determined. We are well on our way to preparing the Empire for its new Emperor, whoever he or she may be. So why are you so troubled?" Tadaji pushed a piece across the board and nodded in satisfaction.

"The finest court that ever was can do little good without somewhere to gather, Tadaji-sama," The boy moved his own piece instantly, instinctively, completely blocking Tadaji’s strategy. Tadaji raised an eyebrow in respect. "Otosan Uchi is of no use; it would require decades to clean and rebuild. We must select a new capital city."

Tadaji looked puzzled. "I assumed we would simply continue to use whatever base of operations the new Emperor is currently using. Tsudao is based in Kyuden Seppun, Naseru in Ryoko Owari, Kaneka in Yasuki Yashiki, and Sezaru in Kyuden Tonbo."

Shoin shook his head. "Impossible. Yasuki Yashiki and Kyuden Tonbo are politically controversial areas, unsuitable for a capital. Ryoko Owari is too corrupt; Naseru would be the first to admit that while it is now the largest city in the Empire it is no place to breed honest government. Kyuden Seppun might be suitable, but its proximity to the Tainted ruins of Otosan Uchi makes it vulnerable to attack. Better that the Emperor be someplace safe, don’t you agree?"

"I do," Tadaji said, impressed. He dropped a previously captured piece onto the board in a strategic position. In two more moves, the game would be won.

"Then just as it would serve the new Emperor well to have a court waiting when they take the throne, it would be best to have a capital awaiting them as well. The Emperor will have many important duties upon securing their throne, duties that have been neglected too long. We should make certain that where they choose to rule does not interfere with those duties." Shoin moved one of his golds unpredictably, threatening Tadaji’s king.

"Very observant," Tadaji said with a laugh. "You play the game well."

"Do you mean politics or shogi?" Shoin replied with a smile