Fight For Tomorrow
From "The Makings of an Empire, the Journals of Ide Tadaji"

The Emperor rules over all things. His will is unquestionable, his judgment infallible. The Emperor resides in both Heaven and Earth, and guides the Empire with wisdom and honor. It is the duty of the clans to serve the Emperor. These duties are clearly delineated, with the most notable being the Right Hand, the Left Hand, and the Underhand. In recent decades the Empire has undergone a number of changes that, I believe, require that we revisit the purpose and nature of these duties. In the new dynasty, I see the greatest powers in the Empire as follows:

The Emperor’s Left Hand - The Left Hand serves as the Emperor’s political aides. They draft laws in his name, issue edicts on his behalf, and exert his political influence upon others. If the Emperor should choose to meet with dignitaries of foreign lands, they are his representatives. Traditionally, this has been the role of the Crane Clan, with reinforcement from the Emerald Magistrates.

The Emperor’s Right Hand - The Right hand serves at the Emperor’s army and enforcers. In times of strife, it is the Right Hand that brings about peace through force of arms. In times of invasion by foreign powers, it is the Right Hand that defends our borders. Traditionally this has been the role of the Lion Clan, the Imperial Legions, and the Seppun Imperial Guard.

The Emperor’s Underhand - Though seldom speak of it, few who are wise would deny the usefulness of the Underhand. They are the Emperor’s spies and informants, ever vigilant for threats that the Emperor cannot deal with directly without bringing dishonor upon himself. This has traditionally been the role of the Scorpion Clan, though the Otomo family also fills this purpose in the higher echelons of the court.

The Emperor’s Voice - This role has not existed in the past, but I believe it is one that would serve the Empire well in the future. The Emperor’s Voice are the peacemakers of the Empire, those who maintain a friendly relationship between the Emperor and the common people and insure that the Great Clans do not fall to civil war. While the Left Hand create legislation that prevents war, and the Right Hand can issue troops to restore peace, it is the Voice’s duty to bring a peaceable solution, rapidly and efficiently, when laws or force of arms fail. The Miya family has fulfilled such a role for centuries, but I believe that it is time at last for a Great Clan to step forward and aid them in this noble effort.

The Black Heart of the Empire - Some would call me a fool for listing this among the others, but I say we would be a fool to ignore it. The Shadowlands, as foul and detestable as they may be, are a part of the Empire. They are a twisted reflection of Rokugan, even more so in recent years. Their purpose is to befoul and corrupt all that we hold dear, to bring war where there is peace, hatred where there is brotherhood, death where there is life. Deserving of destruction they may be, but their power and influence is as great as any power of the Emperor, and only by understanding the true measure of the threat they pose may we truly begin to fight them.