Blood Fued
Lion vs Crane Clan Rivals

"I cannot believe the arrogance!" Shusaku roared, slamming the shoji screen aside with such force that the wood cracked.

With the room, Yano looked up from the book of poetry she had been reading. She sighed.

Shusaku glanced at the cracked door, then looked at his wife sheepishly. "I am sorry, my dear," he said, smoothing one hand over his hair as he ducked into the room. "Its isnjust that the court makes me so angry."

"Tou have spoken to the Crane representative again," Yano said, nodding in understanding. "That is the only time you ever lose your temper."

Shusaku smiiled as he knelt beside Yano. His wife knew him so well. "The man is a fool. He demands that we withdraw our troops from Violence Behind Courtliness City, insists that his clan's surrender of the territory was merely a ploy to free some restless spirits from an ancient curse. Can you believe that foolishness? Doji Masaru must think me a simpleton if he expects me to beliieve that."

"I thought the Crane were better storytellers than that," Yano said with a smirk.

Shusaku laughed. "Worse yet, the Kitsu Ambassador believes him. I think it is possible we will lose Toshi Ranbo."

"You must take it back then," Tano said. "Let steel triumph where diplomacy fails." Shusaku's wife was no warrior, but she was every bit a Lion.

Shusaku nodded. "The Crane's greed will not end here. I know they have their eye on Shiro Yojin next; they have never forgotten their promise to take the city from us. Once they extend their grasp, they will find the Akodo ready in Toshi Ranbo."

* * * * *

Doji Masaru sat silently at his writing table, watching the autumn leaves fall outside his window. Winter was swiftly approaching, but not swiftly enough. He had been sent to Kyuden Seppun to negotiate with the Lion representatives, to help restore the Cranes's true place in Toshi Ranbo. In a few short weeks, the snows would set in. No large bodies of warriors could move over Rokugani roads in the dead of winter. Once the snows came, there would be time for negotiation.

Masaru drummed his fingers on the table. In his heart, he was divided. He was a warrior and did not fear combat, but he knew the Crae in Toshi Ranbo could not triumph against the larger armies of the Akodo and Matsu. Not without aid at least, and the Crane's closest allies - the Phoenix Clan - were currently attempting to restore good relations with the Lion. If this battle was to be won, it would be with words, not swords.

It galled him to admit it. Masaru looked at the blank page that lay before him. He was expected to make a report to Lord Kurohito, update his progress and detail his strategy. That his strategy was now to wait, delay, and confuse the Lion ambassadors as much as possible did not sit well with him.

He could, instead, send a message to the Daidoji. Their family owed his favors. He coul request that they send troops north to aid him, to retake Toshi Ranbo by force if diplomacy failed. Perhaps once that was done, they would even have the momrntum to reach Toshi Ranbo by winter.

Kurohito may not approve of such brash tactics ... unless of course Masaru suceeded.

Masaru began to write his letter.