Flavor Text: Clan Rivals

Akodo Shusaku - "You are nothing but a spoiled child Masaru. I will show you what it means to be a real samurai"

Doji Maseru - "Try your luck, Shusaku. End like the rest"

Hida Sadaharu - "Beautiful effort, Rui-chan, but that will not be enough. I think that I will seize your ship once I am finished with you."

Isawa Mino - “You Dragons usually complicate everything. You are strong, but I am more so. It’s as simple as that, Shiki.”

Moto Hanzhi - "“Omezo, I knew I would find you here.”

Shosuro Omezo - “You must be insane to continue to seek me, Hanzhi.”

Tamori Shiki - “I respect your immense power, Mino, but you lack the wisdom to harness it.”

Yoritomo Rui - “It is useless to surrender, Sadahuru. That will be an insult to the both of us.”