(Region 36 - Konopiska, Poland made public by L5R)

Ruins of Beiden Pass, Scorpion Lands


Shosuro Aroru leapt nimbly from boulder to boulder, making no sound and disturbing not even a mote of dust in his movement. He moved like a shadow through the collapsed foothills, a never-ending blur of motion until, finally, he reached the bottom. Even then, he ran across the rocky plain to the distant camp on the horizon. He did not pause until he reached the command tent.


Aroru stepped through the flap and bowed deeply. Kakita Totani, commander of the Third Legion, nodded respectfully in return. “Report,” she said crisply.

“There is a makeshift camp roughly one mile past the pass’s collapsed edge,” Aroru said. “It appears to have been there for some time. I would estimate two months at the minimum.”

Totani nodded. She was an honorable woman, yet she had not once questioned Aroru’s methods or abilities. They were working in the Emperor’s name, and Bayushi Paneki had assigned Aroru to serve Totani for as long as she remained in Scorpion lands. Any other officer might question such an assignment, believing Aroru to be a spy reporting back to Kyuden Bayushi on the officer’s every movement, decision, and mannerism.

Which was the case, of course, and Totani was well aware of it. But to a woman charged with fulfilling a duty for the Emperor, such things apparently mattered very little. For that, Totani would have Aroru’s respect and loyal service until the day he was ordered otherwise. Until that day, he would enjoy serving under such a woman’s command. “It will be difficult to move men through such a pass, particularly without being detected,” Totani said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

Aroru nodded.

“How many could you lead through to the camp without being detected? Before their numbers became too great?”

The Scorpion considered it for a moment. “Ten, perhaps. A dozen at the most.”

Totani nodded. “I will assemble eleven of my finest men. Be prepared to leave within the hour.”

Aroru bowed quickly, then paused. “Only eleven, commander?”

“I will be the twelfth,” Totani answered. She placed her daisho on a rack and began to remove her armor. “I will not slow you down.”

“Are you familiar with such tactics?” Aroru asked carefully. “It will be difficult.”

“If I become a liability, your orders are to leave me behind,” Totani said firmly. “Until that time, I will accompany you. The Emperor has ordered the Bloodspeakers be punished, and I will see it done myself.”

Aroru smiled slightly beneath his mask. “As you wish, commander.”
