Dragon Clan Letter


Forgive me for not being able to deliver your supplies in person this time, but my duties at Tamori's Furnace have become more and more demanding, and I fear I do not know when I will be able to make the journey to the City of Gold again in the near future. I mean no disrespect, but I am needed here. I have entrusted your usual supplies to the usual guards, whom you know and trust. I believe they will have no difficulty in reaching you despite the increased bandit activity in the mountain passes.

In the meantime, something has recently come to my attention that I believe may be of use to you in your research. In studying the duty roster at Shiro Mirumoto, I came across a strange name. Believing this man to be of gaijin descent, I sought him out, for who knows what secrets may lay hidden in the heart of our own clan? I was mistaken, however, for this Mirumoto Mareshi is not of gaijin descent at all. He is the son of Mirumoto Daini and the Naga woman Mara, returned to study with his father's clan in reparation for Daini's abandonment of Lady Moon while she yet walked the mortal realm. Apparently the late Lord Uso readmitted Mareshi into the clan without fanfare, in hopes that the boy could grow into greatness outside of his legendary father's shadow.

Mareshi is a strange man, human in appearance yet clearly unusual. I felt as if he was perceiving me on a level I could not imagine. His first words when we spoke were something to the effect of “So you are the one who has angered the spirits?” I could not convince him to explain this comment further, and he appeared embarrassed by his own words. I am convinced that this half-breed has abilities that we could use in the fulfillment of our sacred mission, Temoru-sama, and I beg you to petition lord Rosanjin to allow me to conscript him. I feel confident that Mareshi's cooperation will permit us to achieve results that have thus far escaped us.

Mirumoto Kenzo