Phoenix Clan Letter


All is not well in the Phoenix lands. We have heard reports of a battle between the assembled forces of lord Sezaru's inquisitors and a massive force of Bloodspeakers led by ancient and terrible enemies. Survivors have begun arriving from the conflict, telling tales of terrible magics wielded by their foes and the spectacular battle between Sezaru and two infamous Bloodspeakers, Jama Suru and Mohai. Of Sezaru's fate, there has been no word. The fear I feel contemplating his death is terrible indeed.

The possible loss of Sezaru, the death of Taeruko, and the brief return of Aikune are not the least of our problems. While Sezaru was absent one of his rogue agents accused Agasha Hamanari of consorting with Bloodspeakers and enacted his execution. Even Chieh was unable to stop the inevitable; Sezaru's hunters have too much power and without Sezaru to control them I fear such a horrible event might happen again. The Council is in chaos. I wonder how long we can endure. A new Master of Earth is needed to bring balance, and quickly.

My one consistent ally, Shiba Mirabu, has been shaken to his very core by Aikune's return. He promised his predecessor that he would protect Aikune. Now, knowing that Aikune still lives, he is a man torn by his twin duties: to serve and to lead. I fear that if he is not able to reconcile his division, the preoccupation with such matters will cost the Phoenix greatly.

I think of you often. I pray all is well with you and yours.

Isawa Nakamuro