Ronin Letter

Citizens of Rokugan,

The past months have been a difficult time for us all. Even as I pen this edict and distribute it to my finest and swiftest heralds, my magistrates scour the Empire in search of those who would dare ally themselves with the dark forces of Iuchiban, the Bloodspeaker. To those who hide among my loyal subjects, know this: your time draws near. You will be ferreted out and destroyed. In the meantime, you may attempt to redeem a fraction of the sins your soul bears by carrying your Emperor's words to Iuchiban's ears.

You have failed, Bloodspeaker. Your attempt to destroy us has come to nothing. No ritual created in history can compare to your Rain of Blood, yet it has failed to tear us apart as you intended. We are stronger by far than you and the pathetic cattle that follow your insipid cause. I have taken your measure, Iuchiban, and I have found it wanting. While your predecessor, Daigotsu, earned a measure of my respect for the level of planning and organization inherent in his plans, I see nothing worthy of respect in your actions. You are a creature of great power but no subtlety that draws upon coincidence and marks it as if it were his own intent. While Daigotsu could at least claim loyal followers and some semblance of honor, you have nothing. Your followers are slaves, and you owe loyalty to nothing. Your goal seems, in my estimation, to be no greater than to amass power and endure forever.

You are pathetic.

Bring your armies to Toshi Ranbo. Face my forces on the fields of battle. Hida Kuon, Matsu Nimuro, and Moto Chagatai will crush your wretched rabble. Bayushi Sunetra, Shiba Mirabu, and Doji Kurohito will thwart every contingency you might offer. Should you fail to appear, Togashi Satsu and Yoritomo Kumiko will scour the land and sea, hunting your agents to the last, until you are finally destroyed.

You are nothing. You have failed twice before, and you will fail again.

The Empire does not fear you.

The Righteous Emperor Toturi III