Training Grounds II Flavour texts

Asahina Yoshino “The way of the Asahina is the way of peace. The wisdom of the Keepers will be our guide.”

Daidoji Nichiren “I made Kurohito a promise long ago,” Nakazo said to the Harrier. “Soon, we will fulfill it.”

Daidoji Takihiro “Do not make the Daidoji regret protecting you, Cornejo.”

Daidoji Uji “This is not the Empire I know. This is paradise. This is Jigoku.”

Doji Domotai “She is the daughter of Akiko and Kurohito, a student of the Lion and Crane. The weight of the future lies heavily upon her.” –Naka Tokei

Doji Midoru “Part of Midoru walks in the Gray Realm,” Sekawa whispered. “Part of him wishes to return there.”

Doji Nio “What arrogance, to name yourself for Doji’s son.” “What stupidity,” Nio sneered, “to think he would not wish to be so honored.”

Hitomi Suguhara “Pain is the fire that tempers wisdom.”

Hoshi Masujiro “Bold claims amount to nothing, Crane.”

Kitsuki Hakihime Lady Iweko’s finest student, Hakihime possesses intuition that borders on mystical.

Mirumoto Gonkuro He was one of Lord Rosanjin’s finest students. Now he goes forth into the Empire to prove his master’s technique.

Tamori Konoye Her studies with Ningen have only made her stranger than before.

Togashi Kazuki Find inspiration in every thing.

Togashi Razan “If a man tells you he has found enlightenment, then that man is surely lying.”

Gold Mine “How ironic that such treasures lie buried in the land of the clan that values wealth the least.” –Doji Tanitsu

Kabuki Theater Troupe “The play is my gift to you, sister,” Nagori said. “You will anger the Emperor and Shogun both with this,” she said. Nagori grinned.

Marketplace “The Crane are strongest when they stand with their allies. How strong will they be, I wonder, when they stand alone?” –Bayushi Paneki

Mura Sabishii Toshi “Commerce, like all things, is a form of war.” –Daidoji Uji

Puppet Theater Troupe “If we cannot laugh at the world, we die.” –Doji Nagori

Quartermaster “I am no soldier,” the farmer whispered. The samurai handed him a spear. “Now you are.”

Secluded Village “A samurai is a killer at heart. If he cannot find an enemy, he will create one.” –Master Tiger

Secluded Waystation “If you pursue a secret, there is a Bayushi who knows it. If you desire an item, there is a Yasuki who can find it. All these things – for a price.” –Daidoji Uji

Shrine to Hotei “Contentment is the simplest, yet the most elusive of all blessings.” –Hida Kisada

Tower of the Ningyo They dwell beneath the seas, awaiting the day their Naga allies return.

A New Wall “The Kaiu Wall protects the south. The Khol Wall protects the west. One day our labours shall encircle all of Rokugan.” –Kaiu Umasu

Regions of Rokugan “Rokugan is a proud land. A land of heroes, where gods have died and been born again.” –Togashi Satsu

Second Doom of the Crane With a single blow, Kurohito silenced all enemies. With three cuts, he ended his clan’s shame.

Wisdom Gained It was the wisdom of a simple man that saved an Empire. The Keepers are sworn to uphold his legacy.

Wisdom of the Keepers “Shinsei was our teacher, but he is gone now. Now his students must accept the burden of the future.” –Kakita Tsuken

City of Gold The Yobanjin messenger offered the note with a shaking hand. “Temoru is dead,” Rosanjin hissed, crumpling it in his fist.

Temples of the New Tao “I am intrigued by the ways of your Tao,” said Rama Singh. “Teach me more.”

Tsuno Swamps “They make this place their own,” the Ratling whispered. “They wait there, to kill us.”

Abandoned “What side do the Scorpion take?” Naizen demanded.

Charge of the Baraunghar “There is no swifter military unit in all of Rokugan. They are the Khan’s swift blade. We must find a way to match them.” –Ikoma Otemi

Courtesy A true samurai gives, and accepts, the respect that is due.

Disavowed “Sekawa demands change. There will be bloodshed. We must be ready.” –Daidoji Kikaze

Duty Each man owes loyalty to a higher power, from lowly eta to glorious Emperor.

Explosives “Your saboteurs have become a great deal more effective of late, Kikaze-san,” Kurohito said. “I had a feeling our skills might soon be in demand, my lord,” the Harrier replied.

Heavily Engaged “We do not have to defeat them. We merely have to keep them busy.”

Honor’s Cost “If you are truly loyal to your master, then you will heed my warning,” Chiang-Tsu said. Koshei listened patiently.

Impromptu Duel “Stand down,” Korihime said. “You need not die today.”

Meeting the Keepers “There is no single path to enlightenment, Keepers.”

Mountains of the Phoenix “Atsuki is no more, and we have Kaneka to thank. He is a Phoenix, and I stand with him.” –Isawa Sachi

Return For Training “This blade,” Jotaro whispered, “it haunts my thoughts. It is destroying me, but I cannot part with it.”

Sneak Attack The Scorpion struck without warning in the dead of night. They asked only one question: “Where is Kisada?”

Stay Your Blade “My brothers are too blinded by hatred and ambition to see the ties that bind them. If they were stronger, the Empire would want for nothing.” –Isawa Sezaru

Tsuruchi Technique One arrow, one kill.

Palm Strike “Togashi Kaze developed the techniques that have laid low generations of arrogant samurai.” –Hoshi Wayan

Companion Spirit “Those who have gone before ride beside us still.” –Otaku Shiko

Saboteur “My honor for the Crane.”

Spearmen “Oppose him in court. Subvert his authority if you must. No harm must come to my brother. To do so would make a mockery of Tsudao’s sacrifice.”

Tattooed Acolytes The rage of the Hitomi balances the calm of the Togashi.

In the Rulebook:

There is honor in the learning of civilized things. Appreciation of beauty is the beginning of wisdom. –Doji Domotai

“There is nothing but victory for those who have strength and purpose. We are the Dragon. We have strength. We have purpose. We shall bring victory home.” –Mirumoto Mareshi

Box text

Open war has begun between the Dragon and Crane Clans. The Dragon, having discovered the dishonourable actions of the Daidoji family, has declared war against the Crane. Through their attack, the Dragon force the Empire’s attention elsewhere in an attempt to save the Crane, for if the harriers were exposed, the results would be ruinous.