Sons of Hida,

Welcome to hell. That is the reality of our lives that has been taught to you over and over again for the past few years of your training. You have doubtless become tired of hearing of it. Horrors beyond imagining have been described to you with such frequency that you no longer have even the slightest reaction to them. This is the unfortunate reality of your teaching, but it must be done. Still, for all that, the first time you stand upon the Kaiu Wall and peer south, deep into the madness we stand guard against, you will know that you are not prepared for what awaits you there.

Winter comes soon, and with it, the dreadful quiet months. Some believe that they are worse, far worse, than the hot summer days when the scent of blood hangs in the air. You will stand atop the Wall in the freezing cold and stand guard, the chill sinking into your bones even as the quiet slowly erodes at your attention. And when you think you can bear it no longer, and you look away just for a moment, you will die. This is the forge in which you will be tempered. This is the process by which you will truly become samurai. It is a trial that no one else in the Empire faces, or could endure. But you will endure it.

Because you are Crab.

Hida Kuon
Crab Clan Champion