By Rusty Priske
Editing & Development by Fred Wan

“You all know why you have been invited here.” Yoritomo Okitsugu’s voice rang across the open square. “While doing his duties for his clan and empire, Yoritomo Buntaro made a great discovery.”

Most of the smirks following Okitsugu’s words were well hidden. Mantis pirates did not ‘find’ treasures, but nobody present knew who held the item in question previously, so none would gainsay their hosts.

“The discovery is an illustrated book of jiujitsu stances, designed to create harmony between mind and body but martially powerful all the same. We took this book to Tanari of the Brotherhood and he and his fellow monks have confirmed that it is very likely that it was written by Shinsei himself.”

The crowd was reverently quiet. They all knew what they were coming to compete for, but hearing it spoken gave extra weight to the proceedings.

“We reached an agreement with Tanari to host a tournament to allow people from all across Rokugan to compete for the privilege of holding and safeguarding this treatise, and to better learn from Shinsei’s great wisdom. The matches will begin in two hours to ensure each competitor has time to prepare. Today, we fight for Shinsei.”


Bayushi Shusui walked with Togashi Razan away from the gathering. He smirked. “Fight for Shinsei? In a tournament like this we fight for our clans and ourselves. There is no way to avoid that.”

Razan looked at Shusui but made no comment.

The Scorpion motioned back across the square. “What about that Ratling? How did it gain admission?”

Razan shrugged absently. “The Nezumi served the Emperor bravely in the Shadowlands. The Mantis demanded that they be allowed to take part. Not only are they the hosts of this event, but they are also correct.”

Shusui shrugged. “I don’t mind, but have you seen the beasts fight? There will be some bad feelings when they start tearing at faces with those claws and teeth. I wonder how happy that Crab will be when she isn’t so pretty any more.”

“If I know the Crab, she will not mind, as long as she wins.”

Shusui laughed. “Which is why I prefer being a Scorpion.” He tapped his mask lightly. “Win or lose, who could tell the difference?”

Razan smiled.


“This is a waste of time.” Ikoma Kosaku grumbled.

Daidoji Naito cocked his head. “An opportunity to bring glory to the Lion and you consider it a waste of time?”

“I appreciate the opportunity to represent my clan and sensei but this is not the way I would choose to do it. This is merely a test. I have no time for games. My calling is to war! As we speak, the Emperor lies dead somewhere in the Shadowlands and the Unicorn march towards Toshi Ranbo, yet we are here instead of on the field of battle.” Kosaku motioned to where Moto Kang sat, going through ritual prayers, preparing for the competition. “The enemy is among us, whispering pieties to their death gods, and we have to accept that?”

“Competing for the Kumitae is a great opportunity for glory, my friend. There will be time enough for war later. Just think of how much glory there will be in throwing the Unicorn to the ground and standing over him in victory. If nothing else, consider it a precursor to doing the same to Chagatai.”

Kosaku’s frown slowly turned into a nasty grin.


“I’m glad to see there will be more than just a bunch of sweaty men here today.” Hida Nichie heard Yoritomo Suketsune’s words, but ignored both them and him. “I am only trying to make conversation,” he insisted defensively. “Mantis hospitality is legendary.”

“I do not think she is interested in the sort of hospitality that you are offering, Mantis.” Shiba Riza walked over, exchanging polite nods with Nichie.

“I don’t see that it is your concern, Phoenix.” Sukutsune nearly snarled at Riza.

“And I am sure that our Crab friend can handle herself. However, I wished to speak to you on another matter. As a representative of our hosts, I was hoping you could shed some light on the ronin that is taking part.” Unnoticed by Suketsune, Nichie listened attentively to the conversation. Riza gave no sign that he had noticed.

“He is named Masami, but I know nothing else.”

“We know that many ronin have been traveling to your islands of late. It does make one wonder.”

“Wonder all you want, Phoenix. If we meet in the early rounds of this tournament you will have plenty of free time to do so.”

Riza laughed.


Togashi Razan bowed to his opponent and the Nezumi returned the bow, somewhat awkwardly. He had been introduced as Nachin’check, the brother of their great chief, but he had shared no words with anyone other than the Phoenix entrant. Razan thought back to Shusui’s words and he knew that this would be a violent and brutal match and it was possible that even after gaining victory, Razan would not be able to continue.

They circled each other slowly before Nachin’check dashed forward and tried to grab at the Dragon. Razan easily stepped aside. The Ratling seemed uncomfortable and out of place. Razan read that and adapted. He fell into a defensive posture and allowed his opponent to rush forward again. This time it was a simple matter to turn the creature’s momentum against him and leave him lying on the ground.

Nachin’check quickly scrambled to his feet and bowed, accepting a quick defeat. The creature’s smile was full of teeth and somewhat unnerving.

After having his victory officially announced, Razan left the circle and was intercepted by Shiba Riza. “Congratulations on your victory.”

“Thank you, but I am not sure I should accept. I have heard of the ferocity of the Nezumi, but this one did not appear to be giving his full effort.”

“And he would not.” Riza smiled at the confusion on Razan’s face. “Nachin’check was raised in the lands of the Phoenix and he knows quite a bit about our culture and ways. He is very proud to have been chosen to participate in this event and he wouldn’t want to repay that offer by injuring one of us. Unfortunately for him, the method of fighting that his kind uses is very brutal and lethal. He refused to use his claws or teeth, which would be like one of us choosing to fight without using our hands. He had no chance to defeat you, but to compete was already his greatest victory.”

It seemed to Razan that perhaps the Nezumi need not have bothered, hwoever, as the Phoenix contestant was next to face an opponent. Shiba Riza competed in the next bout, but he was no match for Ikoma Kosaku. Kosaku never got his opportunity to face Moto Kang, however, as the Unicorn fell to Hida Nichie. Next to leave the competition was Daidoji Naito, at the hands of Yoritomo Suketsune. Afterwards, there was Razan’s Scorpion friend left to compete.

Bayushi Shusui assessed the ronin, Masami, from across the circle. “It seems I get the mystery man. I am sorry we have not spoken, ronin. I am Bayushi Shusui.”

Masami said nothing and just moved forward.

“Ah, a quiet one. That’s a relief. Don’t you hate those opponents who want to talk your ear off while they-“ Shusui darted forward and dropped down, grabbing at Masami’s leg. The ronin did not fall prey to the Scorpion’s distraction and leaped free while kicking out with his other leg. He caught Shusui under the chin, staggering him backwards.

Before the Bayushi could recover, Masami followed it up with a leg sweep while driving his hand into his solar plexus, dropping Shusui hard to the packed earth.

Shusui lay still for a moment before pulling himself upright, refusing any aid as he left the circle.


Ikoma Kosaku was annoyed at missing his opportunity to face Moto Kang, and he took his anger out on Yoritomo Suketsune. The Mantis was not so easily defeated, however, and he took advantage of the Lion’s mood and turned his ferocity against him, gaining victory.

The match between Togashi Razan and Masami was the most technically proficient of the day, with both showing great mobility. They fought for minutes without either landing any sort of blow or throw. They each countered whatever move the other would offer, until Masami managed to feint and Razan dodged directly into Masami’s swinging forearm. That gave the ronin the advantage he needed to finish the match.


Hida Nichie stepped into the circle to face Masami. The winner of this match would go on to face Yoritomo Suketsune to be declared the winner. Nichie had to admit to herself that she would enjoy knocking the lecherous Suketsune down, but first she had to deal with the ronin. He had been able to best the Dragon in a great contest of skill, but that was not Nichie’s style of fighting. She needed to get in close.

Her first assaults were just to get the measure of the man, and he avoided them easily. When Masami made his move, she was ready for it. He moved in to trip her up, and she let him, but as his leg pulled her feet out from under him, she wrapped her arms around his body and they both went down. She saw the surprise in his eyes as she pulled herself back up to her feet, without letting him go. They were locked in a violent embrace and she could see, behind his eyes…

Her eyes flashed. “You… are…tainted! I will not allow you to leave this ring. Die here, creature!”

Masami grimaced through the tightening of her arms and grinned as he felt his ribs start to crack. “Do you think killing me wins you victory, silly Crab?” Nichie’s fury and revulsion welled up and she squeezed even harder. Masami’s eyes glazed over but not before he bit through his own tongue and spit his blood into Nichie’s face. The viscous fluid got in her eyes and mouth but it only caused her to find her last bit of strength to finish Masami.

She dropped the dead man to the ground and stepped back. “Do not touch him! He is one of Daigotsu’s foul minions!”

A collective gasp escaped the throng of people gathered. Water was brought for Nichie, but no one ventured too near. After she had the chance to wash her face, she stood and addressed the crowd. “I need to speak to our hosts.”

Yoritomo Okitsugu stepped forward. “Yes, Hida-san?”

“I must withdraw from the competition. There is a possibility that I have been tainted by the villain’s final act and I would not risk any other competitors.”

Okitsugu shook his head. “There is no need. You have already been named the winner.”

Nichie’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? There was still another…”

Yoritomo Suketsune stepped forward. “I have withdrawn from the event, leaving you with no further competition. After what we just witnessed, where you sacrificed your body and possibly your soul in order to protect the rest of us here from that evil creature, you have already shown a spirit that I could not hope to match. You are a hero. The book will be delivered to Kyuden Hida with news of your great sacrifice. They will hear your story.”

Nichie bowed. “Thank you, but I will also return to Kyuden Hida. The Crab do not toss aside that which can still be useful. Even if I am damned, as long as I can still fight the Shadowlands, I will do so.”


Hachino slipped into what appeared an abandoned warehouse. His eyes adjusted to the gloom inside and he picked out two figures. His fingers tightened around the knife he kept concealed in his sleeve. “Who are you? What is your business?”

Yoritomo Buntaro stepped forward. “I have the same business as you, Hachino. Or did you forget why you came here? You better have not forgotten my money.”

“It was just supposed to be you. Who is this?”

“This is my partner.”

Yoritomo Suketsune stepped forward. “And you better have my share as well.”

Hachino took a sizable pouch from within the folds of his kimono. “We did very well. I kept people looking at the long odds and very few bet on the Crab. We are lucky that she won.”

Suketsune grinned. “Yes, quite fortunate.”

All three of them laughed.