Children of the Wind,

You are blessed above all others of your age throughout the Empire, for you have been born into the Unicorn Clan, the clan of Lady Shinjo, the wanderers and spirits of the four winds that have seen all corners of this great world. Let the other clans remain in their tiny, cloistered worlds and wonder idly what lies beyond. Let them live in bondage, believing all the while that they are free. They know nothing.

Freedom is more than the wind in your hair and the open plains before you.

Freedom is the ability to think without the burdens of traditions and generations of forced servitude. It is in the right of strong men to take what was denied them by birth or destiny. Freedom is will. It is ambition.

We are beset on all sides by those who condemn us. They call us barbarians. They call us savages. They say that we are without honor. I say that they fear us. They malign us and belittle us because they desperately need to feel superior to us, and in their hearts they know that they could not stand against us if we wished to destroy them.

Take heart in your freedom. The winds of change shall blow, and soon.

Moto Chagatai
Unicorn Clan Khan