Before the Storm

By Rich Wulf

Shinjo Tower was among the tallest buildings in Otosan Uchi. It was a relatively new building, all steel and stone among the slender skyscrapers of glass and crystal, a dark and ominous giant among the clouds. The tower lacked the elegance and ostentation of most Unicorns buildings, but this particular structure had a singular purpose - the dispensation of justice. The rain fell in sheets over the city; a tall, slender figure stood at the highest window of the Tower and lost himself in thought.

Kitsuki Hatsu was a quiet man, not taking anything for granted, not letting anything fall out of his consideration for a single instant. He was very young, but his dark eyes held a wisdom, a foresight, that kept others at a distance. He stood at the window and stared out at the lights of the city below and the sky above. The sky was dark; some said the stars hid themselves in shame in comparison with the bright spectacle of Otosan Uchi. But Lord Moon sat fat and full, shining brightly in his sinister glory.

A short, fat man wearing a purple suit emerged from the office behind Hatsu, stopping short with a gasp and nearly dropping the thick sheaf of papers he had been carrying.

"Good evening, Captain," Hatsu said quietly, turning and bowing slightly.

"Hatsu, you frightened me!" Kojiro's face broke into a relieved smile, "I did not realize you were still here! I thought you'd be on patrol."

"I returned to fill out some paperwork," the young man replied, "Thought I'd take the chance to look at the city." Hatsu turned to gaze out the window again.

"Looking at the city?" Kojiro asked absently.

"Sometimes I try to think of it as it was," Hatsu said, "Wonder how things were better then."

Kojiro chuckled. "You mean how they were worse!"

Hatsu turned, his face intense. "I for one would prefer things as they were. You know where you stand with a sword."

Kojiro shifted from foot to foot nervously. Secretly, he hated it when Hatsu did this. The young detective got in throwback moods like this and he'd go out looking for trouble. Kojiro was a desk magistrate at heart, and for the most part was utterly uninterested in the kind of trouble Hatsu brought in. If it couldn't be solved by filling out some paper work and perhaps making a telephone call, he started to sweat. He left Hatsu to his ruminations and moved over to his desk to look over his mail, sipping from a cup of tea.

His heart stopped.

At least it should have.

The first letter was marked TOP PRIORITY in large red letters, and bore a particularly unique green seal.

The Emperor.

The hotel room was small, cramped, and littered with the debris of its most recent occupant. He hadn't been here very long, but he was quite adept at marking his territory. Empty beer cans and even a few sake bottles littered the floor here and there. A massive suit of blue-grey battle armor slumped over one of the chairs. The formerly sealed window had been cracked and pried open to let in some air. A brassiere of unknown origin hung from the curtain rod, swaying gently in the wind.

The hissing spurt of the shower ceased and Yasu stumbled out of the bathroom, naked and dripping wet, his small eyes dull and thick with the festivities of the previous night. He held his throbbing forehead with one hand while fumbling for the television remote with the other.

He left a track of dripping water as he walked; he could have dried but why? The room had been well paid for and the cool water on his skin did much to dispel his headache. He sat heavily on the bed, his massive form producing a large dent and a strained squeal of tortured springs. He was a large man living in a nation of small people. It was not infrequent that he had to add damaged bedsprings to his exorbitant list of traveling expenses.

He stared momentarily at the bra on the curtain, fondly remembering how it got there. But to work. He was back in town now, time to familiarize himself with current events. He glanced around the debris of the room.

"Where's the damn remote control?" he cursed out loud.

The TV suddenly flashed on, displaying the image of a crane holding an eight pointed snowflake in its beak. "Welcome to Dojicorp Inn," said a pleasant woman's voice, "Please vocalize your viewing choice."

Yasu stared in momentary wonder. He hadn't been to Otosan Uchi in a while and the technological advances they flaunted everywhere never ceased to amaze him. "Matsu Channel," he said.

"FROM THE DEPTHS OF JIGOKU, THEY COME!" screamed a voice in stereo sound as the screen displayed massive tentacled demons erupting from the depths of the earth. "THEY ARE THE ONI OF THE SHADOWLANDS AND THEY HAVE COME FOR YOUR SOUL!!!!"

Yasu looked at the screen curiously then glanced around the room to see if there were any unopened beers.

"THE PEOPLE OF ROKUGAN ARE HELPLESS!" Civilians fled in terror as the onis stalked the streets of a large city, hurling vehicles in their path and breathing fire.

"THE POLICE CAN DO NOTHING!" Mounted Unicorn magistrates fled helplessly before the demonic onslaught.

"What else is new?" Yasu mumbled, brushing some detritus from the top of a half opened can and finishing it off.

"THE MIGHTY CRAB ARE HELPLESS TO STOP THEM." Armored Crab warriors were crushed and flung aside by the giant demons.

"Hm." Yasu said, suddenly paying attention.

"Who will Rokugan turn to in its hour of need?"

Yasu narrowed his eyes. The can began to creak in his fist.

A giant golden robot suddenly descended from the sky before the oni, its golden manes flowing in the sun. With a glare of reflected sunlight, it drew a massive sword from the sheath at its side.

"What no tetsubo?" Yasu remarked, shaking his can and wondering what was rattling inside.

"THE AKODO WAR MACHINE! MANKIND'S LAST HOPE!" The robot easily cut the onis to ribbons. "Every Day of the Crab at the hour of--"

"Crab channel," Yasu growled, throwing his can at the screen.

A large painting of the Emperor appeared on the screen. He was fully dressed in his green ancestral armor, as the Emerald Champion Doji Meda placed the crown upon his head.

"So order now!" said a shrill voice, "For this commemorative plate is limited to a mere 2000 copies and it is nearly guaranteed to increase in value!" The lacquered plate drew away from the screen, held in the hands of a smiling little man. "Yasuki Garou does not lie! The Yasuki Home Shopping Show would not attempt to cheat you! This is a genuine collector's piece! Astound your friends! Impress your relatives! Be the envy of your neighbors, with your own numbered edition of "The Coronation of Yorit-"

"Shinsei Channel," Yasu said.

A shaven, tattooed monk smiled as clouds drifted in the background. He was very happy, and very, very clearly a gaijin who decided to come to Rokugan and find religion. "Greetings and welcome back to the Hour of the Tao, my children. I am brother Hoshi Jack, live from Togashi Mountain. Consider the nightingale..."

"That's enough religion for one week," Yasu said, "Kitsu Channel."

A slick anchorman wearing an exquisite tan suit sat calmly behind a large white desk. The Imperial Mon floated over his left shoulder. "We now take you to Ikoma Keijura live at the Imperial Palace for more on this spectacular announcement."

The screen cut to an excited young newscaster holding a microphone in one hand and pressing something to his ear with the other. He wore the traditional golden kimono of a court correspondent. In the background, all manner of finely dressed men and women in the colors of the seven Great Clans bustled among the green marble columns of the Imperial Court.

"Thank you, Foruku-san," Keijura said breathlessly, "I'm here in the Imperial Palace of our Lord Emperor Yoritomo the Sixth, where it has been announced that the Imperial heir is to be betrothed. I repeat, he is to be betrothed!"

"Any news on the lucky girl?" Foruku's voice inquired with the smarmy twist of a news anchor.

"Not as of yet," Keijura replied, looking back at the crowd with a grin, "But it will be revealed at the court of Doji Meda tomorrow afternoon in the Hour of Onnotangu, so it is widely rumored that the marriage will be with the--"

"Yeah, I care," Yasu growled, "Off." The television screen went black.

A mechanical buzz suddenly erupted from the suit of armor nearby. Yasu sighed and heaved himself to his feet. "Hida Yasu," he said, clicking the button on the right gauntlet of the armor.

"This is Lieutenant Hiruma Rinjin," crackled a voice from the communicator, "What is your estimated time of arrival in the capital, Agent Yasu?"

"Last night," Yasu replied.

"Last?" Rinjin paused, "I had no idea that rig of yours was so fast."

"I wanted to have time to familiarize myself with the local culture," he said, looking at the curtain rod.

"Yes, well that's just fine," Rinjin replied, "In fact that's perfect. Then you can appear tomorrow at the Dojicorp Building. The Emperor will be there so wear your best."

"The Emperor?" Yasu snarled, glancing at his armor, "I didn't come here on a political mission! Why me?"

"There aren't many Crabs in Otosan Uchi," Rinjin replied, "The daimyo himself requires our presence, and hopes you will make a good impression."

"Then don't send me," Yasu grumbled, "I'm sure the Son of Storms has a lot of Emperor-ing to do and I'd hate to interfere. I'm hardly a courtier."

"Yasu," Rinjin replied, "This comes from the top."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," he relented, scowling at the gauntlet. "I'll do my best."

"I'm sure you will. Hiruma Rinjin out."

"Hida Yasu out." Yasu made several rude gestures at the communicator before he turned it off. He walked back to the bed and sat down again.

"Scorpion Channel," Yasu growled.

A voluptuous young woman in a short, tight dress appeared on the screen, slinking across a bed. Two more women entered the room with similar scanty garments.

"I must say this for the Scorpion," Yasu remarked with interest, "They know good television."

The practice room was large and brightly lit. The Crane Clan mon blazed blue and silver on one wall; the morning sun shone over the skyline of Otosan Uchi through the large window on the other side.

The Crane donned the silver fencing mask and took up the boken from its stand near the door. Jinwa, the instructor, waited in the center of the mat, holding his own wooden practice katana in a two handed grip, low and to one side. The gathered students mumbled quietly among themselves, concluding their own duels and turning to watch with interest.

"Ready?" Jinwa called.

"Hai," said the Crane.

Jinwa sheathed his boken. The Crane did likewise. Each approached and appraised the other.

"I hope you have practice your iai," Jinwa said gruffly, "Your draw has been most unsatisfactory."

"I think I will do fine today," said the Crane.

Jinwa's boken flashed from its scabbard. The Crane went into a backwards somersault, rolling easily out of the blade's path. Jinwa blinked in surprise, thrown off balance, and the Crane returned, blade smashing into the instructor's back.

Jinwa grunted and fell down.

"How was that?" the Crane chuckled.

"MOST unsatisfactory," Jinwa seethed, rising and rubbing his spine behind his protective tunic. "What exactly did you think you were doing?"


"That was not iaijutsu," he snapped.

"Why should it be?" the Crane shrugged, "Anyone who enters battle with their sword sheathed is a fool."

"One does not choose when and where a battle begins," Jinwa growled.

"I can compensate," the Crane said.

"Iaijutsu is an art on purity and honor," Jinwa retorted.

"You are deluded," the Crane replied, weighing the boken in one hand. "Killing is always murder. To kill in the name of duty or in self defense is one thing, but to kill in the name of honor is an insult to bushido."

"You will not draw me into another of your philosophical arguments," Jinwa said stiffly, "When it is clear to me that you have not even been practicing."

"I'm sorry, I cannot hear you," the Crane said, "You're dead."

Jinwa sneered. "Fine," he said, "We will do this your way." He drew his boken. "I am well practiced in the art of Kenjitsu."

The Crane stood ready.

Jinwa charged, roaring. The Crane took a step back and flipped a foot under the seam of the practice mat, kicking a section loose under the instructor's feet. He stumbled, and the Crane's sword came down on his head.

Jinwa hit the ground and lay still.

The assorted classmates clapped quietly.

"KAMIKO!" roared a voice at the door.

The entire room turned to the door and bowed low, save the Crane, who pulled free her mask and shook loose her long white hair. A tall man in a beautiful blue silken kimono strode into the room. He had the same long white hair as she, and the same steel blue eyes.

"Kamiko," the man said, standing near her side, his arms folded behind his back, "Look at your father when he is speaking."

She turned, smiling suddenly. "Why father," she said sweetly, "How are you?"

"Not well," he spoke forcefully, but hardly raised his voice. "We have been awaiting your presence in the court for nearly an hour."

"Why?" she asked, wincing slightly.

"You know why."

"Kameru," she groaned, her eyes flitting away and her shoulders drooping.

"You know of the announcement," her father said, turning and walking toward the door, "The Imperial Assembly arrives within the hour. Pray that he does not interpret your tardiness as an insult."

"But father, I don't want--"

He turned quickly, one finger raised, silencing her argument. "Your opinion is insignificant. We must all place the needs of the clan before our own selfish concerns."

Kamiko's gaze dropped to the floor. Thunder rumbled gently in the distance. Her father was daimyo of the Crane, on of the most powerful men in Rokugan and well used to having his wishes obeyed. She could no more argue with him than with the rain.

He turned and left.

Kamiko stood alone and helpless in the middle of the room. The other students quickly filed out to leave her to her solitude. Two of them scampered forward to haul away Jinwa's unconscious body, with which her father had not even bothered to concern himself.

The brightness of the sun began to fade, and the thunder rolled closer.

Daniri cursed under his breath. He hated the rain. He leaned back in the limousine and nervously scanned today's issue of the Herald. For the seventh time. The Ratings for Akodo War Machines was up. It was good to be popular. Especially when one year ago you were a waiter in an Ikoma sushi bar. And today he would be meeting with none other than the Emperor himself!

What a ride.

What a wild, fantastic ride.

Everyone told him stardom was fleeting, especially his critics. He expected the entire facade of his sudden, brilliant career to come crashing down any day, and every night he prayed to the fortunes that it would not be tomorrow.

Daniri checked himself in the mirror for the fifth time. He grinned back at himself, perfect white teeth (the canines slightly sharpened), a shoulder-length blonde hair, strong squared jawline, and deep brown eyes twinkling with mischief. A superstar's face. Daniri did not consider himself a vain man, but appearances were important in his profession and few were as handsome as he.

If only Toyozo and Mari could see him now. Thunder rumbled off in the distance. Daniri hoped sincerely that it would not rain. The rain ruined his hair.

The limousine suddenly stopped.

"Why have we stopped?" Daniri asked, confused.

"We have arrived, Akodo-sama," the driver replied.

Daniri returned to reality, glancing out the window at the massive structure on his left. The Dojicorp Building. It was a sleek and majestic skyscraper with no angles or rough corners. The windows flapped with clan and family banners. The front gates were glass and steel, the metal intricately woven into images of cranes and samurai warriors. A massive crowd of spectators gathered on the crowd before the building, eager to see the arrival of the Emperor. A line of armored Crane Clan samurai held the crowd back from the blue carpeted path leading to the door, their faces clear of expression or emotion.

Daniri snapped his sunglasses on and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"It's HIM!" someone yelled, and a chorus of flashbulbs erupted in his face.

Daniri smiled and gave a small wave to one of the photographers he recognized. He did a small half turn, tossing his hair and cementing an image onto the front page of next week's entertainment magazines.

"Daniri?" a clear, quiet voice called from one side.

Daniri turned to see a very small and very beautiful young woman, standing with her hands crossed before her body serenely. She wore a deep red silk kimono that accentuated her every curve and movement, but maintained her modesty. Her dark hair fell in braids around her round, perfect face. Her lips were full and tied into a perfect smile.

"Akodo Daniri, the film and television star?" she prompted gently.

"Ahem," Daniri replied, recovering quickly and dropping into a deep bow, "At your command my lady."

"I am Kochiyo," she replied, returning the bow gracefully, "I have been appointed to escort you this evening."

Daniri then noticed the two large red armored samurai standing behind her, ignoring him studiously. A Scorpion geisha. "Are you sure that would be a good idea?" he asked.

Kochiyo's face flustered in confusion. Her guards shifted and glared at Daniri.

Daniri grinned roguishly, "After all. With you by my side, won't the Emperor be jealous?" He proffered his arm to the lady.

She smiled and took his arm, huddling close. The two Bayushi bodyguards exchanged irritated glances as they fell into step behind the superstar and the geisha.

Hatsu stepped out of the cab and stared up into the sky. A few drops of rain fell on his face, and he pulled the collar of his dark green trenchcoat up to ward off the rising wind. The Dojicorp Building seemed to go all the way up. All the way up into the clouds. He had lived in the city all his life and it still amazed him. All around, the building's design combined the Crane's tremendous wealth and resources to their strong traditionalist ties. Hatsu thought it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

"Excuse me," said a blue clad guard, "But may I help you?"

"Oh," Hatsu said, returning his attention to the ground. "I'm Kitsuki Hatsu, Detective." He flashed his badge.

The guard nodded and led Hatsu to the rear entrance. Even from here, he could hear the rumbles of the crowd on the other side. Hundreds of eager subjects, here to see the Emperor. And it was Hatsu's job to make sure none of them got hurt. What a day.

Within, Dojicorp was elegant and modern. Shiny metal design was accented with ancient tapestries, intricate crystal chandeliers, and antique weaponry and armor in glass display cases. The entire place was pristinely clean, and delicate string music was filtered through unseen speakers. The Doji House Guard was out in full force, clad in old style samurai armor constructed of modern bulletproof plastics and kevlar, carrying katana, wakizashi, and pistol. They nodded to Hatsu as he entered. Some gave him odd looks for the two swords he carried on his own belt, but he ignored them.

He was led onto a balcony overlooking a large audience chamber. On one end of the room stood a large crystal throne, flanked by two smaller replicas. On the other end was the tall glass front entrance of the Dojicorp building, now streaked with rain. The banners of the Mantis and the Crane hung on every wall. The room held a dozen or so people wearing a variety of colors, the chief representatives of their respective clans, from Lion to Scorpion, everyone was represented. He even noticed that the short, fat Badger Clan daimyo, Ichiro Chiodo. Hatsu watched as the doors opened and admitted a tall blonde man wearing sunglasses and a small woman in a red kimono, flanked by two samurai. Hatsu had a bad feeling suddenly. He decided to go down to the floor and have a look around.

If there was anything Yasu hated more than the demons of Jigoku, it was politics. He knew his duty to the Emperor, lived to serve him as a true samurai should and all that, he simply preferred to serve from a distance. He shifted and turned the wheel from his shoulder, steering his massive truck around the corner onto Doji Place. The Dojicorp building stood tall, skinny, and useless. Just like a Crane.

Yasu scratched himself and tried to find a place to park. He quickly swerved into the circular driveway and pulled forward facing the wrong direction, irritating several executives in the limousine in front of him. The Crab hauled himself out of the cab and looked around. Yasu handed the keys to the small, rather confused looking valet who stood staring helplessly at his monstrous battle-scarred truck.

"You'll notice," Yasu said, putting his arm around the valet's shoulder and pointing at the truck, "That there are a lot of dents on that vehicle, yes?"

"Um, yes sir," the valet swallowed nervously.

"You'll also notice that there are two dates marked next to each one of them," he added.

The valet nodded. A few drops of rain spattered the ground around them.

"The first date," Yasu continued, "Is the day I got the dent. The second date is the day I killed whatever put it there. I'm very meticulous about this kind of thing."

The valet began to shake slightly when he noticed the small dates that were also carved into Yasu's battered body armor.

"Be careful with her," Yasu warned, smiling, "She means a lot to me."

The valet nodded vigorously, his face extremely pale. The rain began to fall faster and thunder rolled.

Yasu let the valet go and walked into the Dojicorp building, chuckling. The Crane guards in their little blue plastic suits eyed him uneasily. The Crab was clad in gunmetal blue armor and a pointed metal hat. A variety of weapons hung from loops on his belt and clanked loudly as he walked.

"Yasu!" said a voice from behind, "That smell could only be you!"

Yasu turned, his bearded face suddenly breaking from its standard smile into a huge grin. A thick older man in a steel grey uniform with red trim strode forward to meet him, smiling fondly. Yasu immediately engulfed the man in a huge embrace, his armor clanking as the man grunted painfully.

"Uncle Toshimo!" Yasu exclaimed, releasing him. "I had not heard you would be here!"

"Yes, well I figured someone had better be present to restrain you," Toshimo replied, glancing outside. The valet was still staring at the truck in fear. "Still terrorizing the Cranes, I see."

"I will behave if they do," Yasu grumbled with a smirk, glancing at the tetsubo hilt protruding from behind his shoulder.

"So much like your mother," Toshimo said, shaking his head wistfully.

The two Crabs proceeded toward the conference room, pausing long enough to present their credentials to the Doji samurai, who greeted them with silent scornful disdain. Yasu growled openly when they made him surrender his weapons, and the process of disarming himself took several minutes.

"So what is this all about?" Yasu asked, taking in the elaborate decorations and finely dressed dignitaries with an odd grin, "So many peacocks in one place; I should open a zoo and charge admission."

"The Crane celebrate in the Emperor's honor," Toshimo replied, taking a drink from a passing waiter's tray.

"What, did he buy a new pair of pants today or something?" Yasu asked, looking at the tiny drinks and rolling his eyes.

Toshimo chuckled. "No, this is actually relatively important. Yoritomo Kameru is to be married."

"Yeah, I heard about that," Yasu said, taking one of the drinks anyway, "How old is the little punk anyway? 18?"

"Yes, the same age as you, Yasu," Toshimo said, "and I'd watch your mouth referring to the son of the Emperor, especially with all these Lions in the room."

"Hm," Yasu said grimly, "So there are. Is it me or is that Akodo Daniri over there?" The young Crab pointed across the room at the tall blonde man chuckling with a geisha.

"Yes, I think so," Toshimo replied, but Yasu was already moving across the room.

The old Crab sighed and drank.

Daniri laughed loudly. His smile and manner were infectious, and even Kochiyo's dour bodyguards were smiling. He had gathered around him a variety of dignitaries from the various clans, all eager to meet this young movie star, but Daniri's focus was the small woman in red. Kochiyo. He'd never met a more charming girl in his life.

"Excuse me," said a voice.

Daniri turned to see a tall, massive man in thick armor. A Crab Seeker.

"Hello," Daniri said bowing, "Daniri. Pleased to meet you."

"Yasu," Yasu replied gruffly. "You're from the TV show right?"

"Akodo War Machines, right?" Daniri replied, "Are you a fan?"

"No," Yasu said stiffly. He stood, arms folded, and continued to stare at Daniri.

"Um," Daniri said with a smile, "Is there anything else?"

"Oh, yes," Yasu replied, "But I figured I'd give you a chance to find one of your stunt men so we could continue this conversation outside."

"My friend," Daniri said with a grin, "I use stunt men less often than you use deodorant. In fact, I'm listed as stunt coordinator in the credits. Perhaps next time you watch the show you could get a Lion to read them to you."

"Whyyoupompouslittle," Yasu advanced. Daniri crouched slightly, smiling.

With a blur, a tall figure swiftly interposed between them. He was a thin man with short, dark hair in a braid down his back. He wore a dark green trenchcoat and carried a katana and wakizashi on his belt.

"Is there a problem?" Hatsu said quietly, hands resting on the hilts of his swords. His stare was directly at Daniri.

"No, detective," Daniri replied, "No problem." He turned back to his geisha.

"You," Hatsu said, leveling his gaze at Yasu, "Is there a problem?"

"Not with you," Yasu replied, meeting his stare. "Not yet." Yasu turned and wandered back into the crowd looking for Toshimo.

"That was neatly done." A small man dressed all in black stood to one side, clapping gently. He had dark sunglasses and a small wireless headset. His hair was cut short and slicked back, and he wore a small moustache and goatee. "You are Kitsuki Hatsu, the prodigy?"

"We have not met," Hatsu replied, not taking his hands from the hilts of his swords.

"Tsuruchi Kyo," the man replied, bowing slightly, "Wasp Clan Champion. Captain of the Imperial Guard."

Hatsu immediately let go of the swords' hilts and dropped into a low bow. "I am pleased to meet you, Tsuruchi-sama," he said, "Your reputation precedes you."

"As does yours. I heard of the Kenburo incident," Kyo nodded, impressed. "Twenty is an young age to make an enemy of the Scorpions."

"Merely doing my duty," Hatsu replied.

Kyo chuckled. "Perhaps. So what do you think?" The Wasp scanned the crowd. "What are the chances my Emperor will leave this building alive?"

Hatsu blinked, uncertain. Kyo's face showed no trace of humor.

"Your estimate of the security measures," Kyo said impatiently, his eyes focusing on the young detective.

Hatsu considered for a moment, then spoke. "The Cranes are doing little other than checking ID and taking weapons. I saw no x-rays and detected no shugenja. As for the Doji House Guard, they seem to be mostly untrained security officers. Few have the stance and bearing of true samurai. I think the Emperor's greatest protection may be from the crowd itself. Several of the dignitaries here are capable warriors. But they are unarmed."

"Ah, my Emperor," Kyo said quietly, "To the breach and beyond, I will follow. To the very breach of insanity."

The thunder roared outside.

The conversation in the room suddenly erupted, then quelled into hushed silence. Kyo touched his ear piece, and whispered something.

"He comes," Kyo said to Hatsu.

The glass doors swung open and the thunder clapped. The hall suddenly erupted with the rousing Imperial War Anthem. Two rows of armed guardsmen entered the chamber, the Imperial Guard, garbed in the bold green uniforms of the Mantis. They took up their positions in two columns along the center of the room and turned at attention as three figures appeared in the threshold. In the center was Doji Meda, the Emerald Champion. He wore the ancient armor of his station, and entered first. His cold eyes focused on the throne ahead. To his left walked Yoritomo Ryosei, the Imperial Princess. She was tall and beautiful, her dark hair flowing behind her in the wind carried from outside. She held the Battle Standard of the Mantis, fluttering proudly and completely untouched by the rain outside. To the right strode a short, muscular man with a shaven head, garbed in brown leather sequined with gleaming jade. The Ancestral Weapons of the Mantis, a pair of odd curved sabers, gleamed on his belt. This was Yoritomo Kameru, the Imperial Heir. His gaze passed over his future subjects with youthful arrogance.

The trio passed between the two columns of the Imperial Guard and took their positions. Kameru stood before the throne to the left, Ryosei before the throne to right, and Meda stood obediently behind the central throne.

Toshimo and Yasu stood near the back of the crowd, glancing at each other.

"The War Anthem? The Battle Standard?" Toshimo shook his head, "Yasu, something tells me the Emperor plans to announce more than just a marriage here to day."

Yasu just nodded.

The War Anthem ended and the room was silent. Nothing happened. Hushed mumblings began to pass through the crowd. The sky outside grew dark as night and the rain now fell in torrents. The faces of the Imperial Procession were utterly impassive.

Hatsu turned to Kyo, and found him smiling.

"My master loves to make an entrance," he chuckled.

Thunder exploded and the glass wall of the Dojicorp Building flooded with glare as lightning hammered the street mere feet from the doors. The lights inside flared and went dim, leaving the lobby in darkness and mumbling confusion as the lightning vanished, leaving the reek of burnt ozone in its wake.

He arrived.

In the street, in the midst of the blackened smear left by the lightning, they saw him. His form fitting insectoid armor shimmered with a pale green radiance as he drew to his full height. He drew his arms above his head and shook them into fists. Lightning came down on either side as the Imperial Guard all bellowed as one.


The front doors of the Dojicorp Building suddenly blew open, the wind forcing them ajar and the rain swirling into the audience chamber. Yoritomo VI entered the building and the storm echoed his power.

The entire room dropped to their knees as one, and the Emperor proceeded to his place at the head of the chamber, rain streaming from his thick arms and domed helmet in thick rivulets. As he stood before in the Diamond Throne, the glow of his armor caught in the crystal facets, illuminating the darkened room in a greenish hue.

"See?" Kyo remarked, kneeling next to Hatsu, "What did I tell you?"

Hatsu just nodded.

Doji Meda suddenly stepped forward.

"All glory to the Son of Storms, the EMPEROR!" the Champion shouted. Yoritomo raised his arms. The room exploded into cheers as it rose. No one could resist the Emperor's charisma. Hatsu was overwhelmed. Yasu found his throat was hoarse. Daniri was in awe, and mentally taking notes.

Yoritomo removed his helmet, revealing a handsome dark haired man in middle age. He spoke, his voice filling the room without amplification, clear and focused. "The Son of Storms will heed your will and hear your whims, for we are above all a servant of the people. But first, we come to address a matter of gravest importance."

The assembly waited for his next words.

"Treachery," he said.

The room filled with gasps of shock.

"What sort of treachery, my Emperor?" Doji Meda retorted, hand on katana, eyes searching the crowd.

"Treachery against the Son of Storms, and against the Empire entire! A disloyalty, a treachery that threatens to devour all that two millennia have built!"

"Who is this traitor?" Meda hissed, "Say the word and I shall cut him down here."

The audience muttered darkly, sharing their opinions among themselves.

"The Crane?" Yoritomo said, turning his gaze upon the Champion.

"We have ever served the Empire!" retorted a voice. It was a pretty young Crane girl, stepping defiantly from the crowd. Doji Meda shook his head ruefully.

"As well they should, Doji Kamiko," the Emperor said, "As well they should."

"Then who?" Meda asked.

"The Unicorn?" Yoritomo asked, turning his gaze upon a fat Ide courtier in the front row.

The diplomat blinked. "We carry the Emperor's Justice with duty and loyalty!" he stammered, bowing as low as he physically was capable.

The Emperor nodded. "The Phoenix?" he said, turning to a red coated shugenja. "The Crab?" he looked to Toshimo.

Toshimo shook his head. "Our studies of the Shadow serve to protect the Empire from a return of the threat of Akuma and his like."

"An enemy defeated, but not destroyed," Yoritomo said noncommittally, "See that your research continues. And what of the Lion? Or the Scorpion?" He turned to Akodo Daniri and his companion.

For once Daniri found himself speechless. The presence of the Emperor was so strong, he found himself unable to work his customary charm. Kochiyo suddenly stepped forward, bowing. "The Lion's courage needs no hollow rhetoric to defend it," she said smoothly, "And we of the Scorpion are ever ready to pursue the Empire's interests in any fashion that may be required."

"Excellent," Yoritomo replied. "And the Dragon?"

The room fell into an uneasy silence. There was no Dragon Clan, had not been one for over a century. But the Emperor turned his piercing stare to Hatsu. The entire room turned to look upon the young detective. Kyo narrowed his eyes, expecting a proper response.

Hatsu cleared his throat. "The Dragon await your command," he said.

Yoritomo nodded.

The room muttered among itself. "Who was left?" they said. "A minor clan?" someone speculated. "The Naga, returned for vengeance!" another claimed. The debate continued for a full minute while Yoritomo VI merely observed.

"Father," Yoritomo Ryosei finally said, rising from her throne with a worried look on her face, "Who is it? Who seeks to betray the Empire?"

And Yoritomo spoke. "Lady Amaterasu, she who protects, guides, and creates us proclaimed the Emperor's rule. She has blessed the Hantei. She has blessed the Toturi. And she now blesses the Yoritomo. All that lives must obey the Emperor. All that exists gives him fealty and obeys his will."




"The Great and Minor clans show their worth and serve loyally. The peasants of Rokugan work diligently and prosper in my name. Even the lowly eta know their place. But Amaterasu does not shine upon only Rokugan. And for half of every day she looks down in disfavor upon those who do not respect and obey the Son of Storms."

Yasu blinked, stunned. Daniri just shook his head, not comprehending. Hatsu looked at the floor and tried to take it all in. Was Yoritomo declaring war upon the entire world? That was insanity! The rest of the crowd seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Then the Badger Clan daimyo pulled out an automatic rifle and began mowing down the Imperial Guard.


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