The Moto by Patrick Kapera

"Our place is with the others. We cannot stand by while they are led to the slaughter!" Kiyoshi rants. He is pacing the low, central hut with the quick motions of a caged animal.

"It is not our place to interfere," Gaheris governs. "We must remain true to our Promise."

"And risk losing the best chance we have of regaining our lost heritage?"

Kara had been content to simply observe the exchange, but feels compelled now to speak her mind. "You have never been one to cherish heritage before, Kiyoshi. Why are you so interested in maintaining the Blood now?"

Marik, behind Kiyoshi and near the closed flap of the stifling tent's entrance, braces at her obvious reproach. A good judge of character, he knows Kara to be consistently insightful and pointed. This statement was intended to invoke a response in Kiyoshi - a predictably lethal response.

Gaheris has also sensed the statement's meaning, however, and swiftly intercedes. "Our way is preservation, Kiyoshi - not bloodshed. That is what we vowed, and that is what we will uphold."

"The Old Ways are ending, Khan," Kiyoshi mocks. "Jangir has seen it, and so it must be true! We do not wish to ignore the precious advice of such a noble Moto..."

Kara is fuming at Kiyoshi's barbed counter. "He may not be of the blood, Kiyoshi, b-"

"But neither are you," Gaheris finishes, "...and that is why you are not Khan."

Kiyoshi rises to his full height and looks on Gaheris with a moment of ill-concealed hate before speaking again. "The Old Ways are ending, Khan... Perhaps it is time you faced that." Then he abruptly leaves, Marik following sharply in his wake.

"We have betrayed The Promise by defending its purpose, I fear." Gaheris' whispers are meant only for his beloved Kara. Others would only view his words with derision, and as a sign of weakness in the great Moto Khan.

"Trust in Blood, my love," she replies, kissing him gently upon the brow.

"Trust in Blood and the body will follow..." Gaheris looks on Kara with the simple, naive eyes of a younger man, suddenly unsure of the future of his tribesmen. "He's right. The Senpet will kill them all..."

"The blood of a few for the lives of all..." She repeats the words of their long-dead goddess precisely, as spoken to her more than two decades ago.

Smiling, he says, "I'm not sure that the others still remember."

"Then we will have to remind them, won't we?"

In the next morning's light, an unsettling confirmation of the Khan's greatest concern is realized. Kiyoshi and Marik are gone, and with them the last chance to avoid violence with the Senpet.

"They have taken nearly half the clan on a fool's errand." Kara is stunned at the event.

Gaheris simply calls for the remainder of the Moto to gather for travel. He is thoughtless now, consumed by a new mission.

Jangir, approaches him as he prepares his saddle. "You can't do this, Khan. We were not ready when we were whole."

"Bring me my weapon!" Gaheris screams at another, ignoring the words. Realizing the futility of arguing with him now, Kara gathers her own mount.

Jangir, unsure of how to proceed, pleads "This is a mistake, lord. You are challenging prophecy."

"I do not care about prophecy!" Gaheris seethed. "I care about my people!"

"They are one and the same, Khan."

Kara returns astride her own towering horse. "There is a storm coming, my love." Her voice is restrained, resigned.

"Yes," he replies, looking to Jangir. "Perhaps it is a good omen."

Jangir's words are not spoken until Gaheris cannot hear them.

"Or a sign of coming doom..."