Tales of the Burning Sands

She cradled the precious bundle to her chest, hoping that her cowl would keep the deep blue lines pulsing within her cheeks from showing. - "They Collect Their Due," Part One - Bakira

"Please, I can pay! My wife and I must leave the city at once! We cannot be here when the... when the sun sets!" - "They Collect Their Due," Part Two - Sylmun

The Ashalan fought valiantly against the demon but eventually faltered. - "They Collect Their Due," Part Three - Ajbar ibn Kaleel

"Shhhhh. You are among family now, little one," slathered the Jinn of Infinite Eyes. "You may have been born to those deluded Ashalan, but we made that event possible, and now you are going to return the favor." - "They Collect Their Due," Part Four - Onaja