Part Three of the History of Rokugan

A history of Rokugan during the time of the Clan Wars.

The First Flier

Imperial Edition:

Box Text
Long Knives by John Wick
Kachiko's Tale: IE
Flavor Text: Imperial Edition
Starter Quotes: IE
The Way of the World by John Wick
A Son of the House by Ree Soesbee
The Battle at Beiden Pass - Letters to the Generals: Beiden Pass Boxed Set
The Cold, Dark Dawn: Beiden Pass Boxed Set Rulebook Story
Flavor Text: The Battle at Beiden Pass Boxed Set
Kappuksu's Story by Ree Soesbee
The Battle at Beiden Pass
Ryan Dancey's Timeline: IE
A Gaijin's Guide to Rokugan, Part 4
Beiden Pass and the Test of the Emerald Champion (from Imperial Herald #2)
The Story So Far: Imperial Edition (from Imperial Herald #4)
L5R History: Imperial Edition (from Imperial Herald #14)


Promo Flyer: SL
Box Text: SL Starters
Box Text: SL Boosters
Kachiko's Tale: SL
Starter Quotes: SL
Flavor Text: Shadowlands
The Battle for Kakita Castle

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v1 #1

Ryan Dancey's Timeline: SL
The Story So Far: Shadowlands (from Imperial Herald #4)
L5R History: Shadowlands (from Imperial Herald #14)

Emerald Edition:

Box Text: EE Boosters
Kachiko's Tale: EE
Starter Quotes: EE
Flavor Text: Emerald Edition

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v1 #2

The Battle at Iyosha Hill

Forbidden Knowledge:

Promo Flyer: FK
Box Text: FK
Flavor Text: Forbidden Knowledge

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v1 #3

Way of the Willow by Ree Soesbee
Ryan Dancey's Timeline: FK
The Story So Far: Forbidden Knowledge (from Imperial Herald #4)
L5R History: Forbidden Knowledge (from Imperial Herald #14)

Anvil of Despair:

Promo Flyer: AD
Box Text: AD
Kachiko's Tale: AD
The Tomb of Wu Yeh by Ree Soesbee
Starter Quotes: AD
Flavor Text: Anvil of Despair
Kisada's Last Charge

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v1 #4

Ryan Dancey's Timeline: AD
The Story So Far: Anvil of Despair (from Imperial Herald #4)
L5R History: Anvil of Despair (from Imperial Herald #14)

Crimson and Jade:

Promo Flyer: CJ
Box Text: CJ Starters
Box Text: CJ Boosters
Kachiko's Tale: CJ
Starter Quotes: CJ
Flavor Text: Crimson and Jade
The Battle at Isawa Palace
Ryan Dancey's Timeline: CJ
The Death of Tsuko
Firelight by Rob Vaux
L5R History: Crimson and Jade (from Imperial Herald #15)

Obsidian Edition:

Kachiko's Tale: OE
Starter Quotes: OE
Flavor Text: Obsidian Edition

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v2 #1

Time of the Void:

Promo Flyer: TV
Box Text: TV
Starter Quotes: TV
Flavor Text: Time of the Void

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v2 #2

Ryan Dancey's Timeline: TV
The Day of Thunder
Kachiko's Tale: TV
Stronghold Stories: TV

Clan Letters - Imperial Herald v2 #3

The Bad Death of Hida Amoro
Ryan Dancey's Timeline: TV, Part 2
Tsuruchi Written by John Wick
The Clan War Saga: Honor Bound Foils
The Clan War Saga: Ambition's Debt Foils
The Clan War Saga: Fire and Shadow Foils
L5R History: Time of the Void (from Imperial Herald #15)